
While not a guy, that’s always been my gym “goals” as well. I want to be able to live the rest of my life and do the things I need to do without a lot of hassle. So I need to be able to wrestle my 8 foot step ladder into the house at 2am because the smoke detector is chirping. I need to be able to quickly walk through

Are you a bodybuilder? A powerlifter? A weightlifter? A Crossfitter? A runner? A cyclist? A kettlebell enthusiast? If you don’t have a clear answer to this question, you’re in prime territory for being confused.

Ever noticed how basically every motherfucker you know has been or is going to Iceland?

Edgar Allan Poo...

He’s not really good at making movies those. He’s safe and mediocre at best and ham fisted and sloppy at worst. Give Suicide Squad to someone who knows how to do arresting visuals and decent fight scenes.

“But, you can’t call him a racist if he didn’t do a racist thing.”

Yeah, he’d be mocked, because he called someone racist who didn’t do anything racist. That’s worthy of mockery.

The Mark Walberg movie about this is going to be insufferable.

Deadpsin’s tears are so delicious right now

Don’t let facts get in the way of their virtue signaling!

Like football players in the South, the UConn women’s team is getting so much campus pussy.

“Transport the basketball”? Someone’s been reading The Book of Basketball Rings by Ted Cruz.

Age 12? Big deal. I plunked my 8 year old in the head just the other day. Sure she cried and cried, and my wife was fucking PISSED. But one thing’s for sure, she’ll never fucking crowd the plate on me again.

Get off your high horse and stop underestimating us HamNo. When the time comes that we can’t take any more, the people will rise up and make some dumbass memes.

This article could just be called “I’m getting older”. I know what it feels like, it is happening to me too.

good lord

It’s so strange that this same group derides climate science deniers and anti-vaxxers. We need to make biological science denial equally shameful.

I was slated to work 8:30 to 12:30 overseeing the nuclear plant, so this is a relief.

Exhibit A