
Prudent of publications to not buy and publish the photos. Publishing images of people in bed without their consent has bankrupted publications before.

Go fuck yourselves.

“their three-year sentence feels light given the savagery of the act.”

“Allegedly Fabricating” ... she confessed.

I wonder how Joan Cusack was paid when she was on the show. She was SO good (though her character got a little disturbing at times. Most of the time.)

She deserves it! She does all the work in that house anyway! William H. Macy will just spend it on drugs!

not to mention he has been predicting a market crash for YEARS now.

“If anyone can get me a job as a Wall Street strategist please let me know.”

On the contrary, I applaud them for not writing that song.

Hot babes! Ripped hunks! That video has something for everyone except music lovers.

For you, being trapped in a hotel in North Dakota during a blizzard in subzero temperatures will be a story you tell for the rest of your life. For midwesterners, it was Tuesday.

When they realized men could be sexually liberated too.

When did the sexually uptight televangelist busy-bodies of the 80's & 90's (Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson etc.) morph into the liberals of the present?

Evaluating people based upon their physical appearance and sex appeal is wrong! Oh, wait, no it’s not. Not when Jezebel does it...

Another entry in the long running series “Bobby Finger Doesn’t Like Any Movies.”

Just remember these are the assholes who Chelsea Manning was supporting when she did her massive file leak.

Thanks, Alt-Lefties, for giving this guy so much attention! You helped legitimize his Russian-sponsored destruction of our election. Wheeee!

Yes how dare full grown adults be able do do something legal

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.