The most popular cars in a decade will be plug-in crossovers, and no amount of gas price hikes or trunk-nostalgia will stop that
The most popular cars in a decade will be plug-in crossovers, and no amount of gas price hikes or trunk-nostalgia will stop that
<feeding the pedantic>
Allow me to be slightly pedantic for a second: 1/8 scale isn’t 1/8 the size of the car, it means all of the measurements are 1/8 of what they are on the real subject. In other words, the model is 1/8 as long, 1/8 as wide, and 1/8 as tall as the real 919. To me anyway that makes it 1/512 the size of the actual car,…
Los Angeles FM stations? I can tell you the pattern right now: after enduring a 15-minute nonstop block of commericals, only to get one song before they return to yet another block of commericals, the listener tunes out forever and ever.
It's likely built in to the free onstar trial that everyone accepts.
I mean, considering how much personally identifiable data is currently being collected through Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, your credit card company, your bank, your internet provider, Microsoft, and probably Kinja... yeah, seriously. Who cares if they know I prefer Britney to Cristina.
After studying the radio listening habits of 90,000 GM car owners, it has been determined that our “real people” ads, targeting customers with terrible taste and/or lower than average IQ, has been largely successful.
I’ll bet $20 most of the cars either don’t have a spare tire, or never came with one from the factory. They may just know how to use that stupid inflator kit, but that’s also very unlikely :P
Look man I’ve got a head and a heart and they’re always fighting
I don’t know much about these Things, but when you look at the suspension setup, it seems that camber here disappears as soon as you put some weight (e.g. car) on top of that chassis.
1st gear: We all know there will be another 10 years worth of concepts. We will all die of old age before they release a production model.
This is the correct answer but likely not for the reasons you intended.
Pro-tip: Come up with a witty insult about the officer’s waist size and penchant for doughnuts. I guarantee they’ll be thrown entirely off guard by such a unique witticism.
“I will own your bank account. I will own your house.”
I wasn't aware that water was the most abundant solid in the universe (it's not by the way). Maybe ice is, but it's frequently another frozen compound, not water.
I'm willing to forgive bad science in science fiction if it provides an interesting premise that allows us to explore how characters would react in an extraordinary situation.
I know when I go exploring a new place I do it naked. On an unrelated note I'm not allowed in San Antonio anymore.
Would you go down on a planet that you were not familiar with no protective gear? Or do tests first?
The only way I could think of to dodge a laser would be to be aware of when a laser gun is pointed at you, and jump before someone can pull the trigger.