
Fairly good point. One, I vape a much lower level than I used to smoke. 3mg vs 14mg makes me have to ‘take up the slack’ a bit. Another is, after we had to repaint the house, we quit smoking so much, and inside. You can imagine if it’s turning your walls brown, what must it be doing inside you. Vaping has been clean,

What is with all these ‘shotgun studies’? (I invented that term) Civilized countries recognise vaping to be, at the worst, only a tiny percentage of possible harm compared to ‘real’ smoking. How many people die of lung cancer, COPD, and emphysema every year from smoking? My BIL was one of them.

Maybe they shouldn’t try to invade us.  That’s what I would call a large-scale illegal flood.

That same book also defends the second amendment... Luke 22;

“Marital status”???   You can’t comment on marital status? Isn’t that pushing it a bit? How could you possibly insult someone mentioning whether they’re married or not?

Hm.  My ‘ancient’ 14-year-old tech sounds pretty good.  I have the remote start&unlock, but to actually shift, run the fuel pump above an idle, etc... I have a physical RFID chip key.  According to this, I’m fairly safe.

The dems do the exact same thing, maybe worse.  What is it now?... we can’t pay for obamacare?

Exactly!  I bought a brand new tank, and have a place to get it filled.  No rusted Rhinos here.

There are providers that dole out crap now that have been in business for decades. Now why would everything suddenly be all perfect in the near future?

Neutral: This isn’t the first time this question has come up...

Dogs do kind of like their people.

People forget to turn it off.  You have a program trying to update places another program is preventing updates to.  Some people just can’t put that together.

My sentiments exactly, except for the fact that I love my old car.  I’m not looking that hard, and definitely not going to spend so much.

It’s ALWAYS a good time for a 20k stripped pickup!

The 2000 dot-com bust was the worst for us.  My Wife and I were laid off from different companies within 18 hours of each other.  Almost lost everything.  We’ve played it safe ever since.

One of the strangest things about the dot-com crash when I lived in Atlanta, was that for a while, there was more construction.  My Wife worked at an engineering company that did business buildings.  What she told me was that once there was a crash, companies could buy land, materials, and labor cheaper.  Maybe that’s

Just like the dems did.

I can eat burgers faster than Wimpy, but I’m 5'10", 135 lbs.

The odd thing I think about is all the nice vehicles that would sell a million now if they still made them. Since ugly is in, apparently, the Honda Element, Saturn Vue, Pontiac Vibe, the HHR... all were ahead of their time. Reasonably priced family haulers? Bet Aztek sales would take off if they came back.

While the sarcasm may have the ring of truth, there’s quite a difference in some people’s definition of ‘recovering’.  Huge gap between ‘10 years clean’, and ‘I haven’t been high since 9 o’clock last night’.