No, you’re not the only one. But as an ol... er... more mature reader, I see strange people who somehow think they’re celebrities every day.
No, you’re not the only one. But as an ol... er... more mature reader, I see strange people who somehow think they’re celebrities every day.
I have yet to use a cellphone on a bicycle, and still got hit.
I’m okay with that/them. Saw some neat Opels in Europe.
Buick’s okay, but Chevy makes nothing I want right now.
Smart guy, aren’t you? My age bracket is never going to get offered a permanent position. Luckily my skill set nets me plenty of contract work. Add a company going belly up, another getting bought by the Chinese...
I said USEFUL. I’m the prime demographic for SUVs. I used to own (at one time) a truck, a coupe, and a wagon. Now I need, for financial reasons, one vehicle to get that chair, make a Costco run, pick up the Wife’s new loveseat, and take the dogs to the park. When I had a Cobalt, I couldn’t even get the…
I buy a car. 10 years later, my salary is up 3,000, and cars are up 10,000. Just what is the PONR, in your opinion?
With so few useful vehicles for us common peasants to buy, and the prices hitting stratospheric levels, by the time sales descend to the 4th level of hell maybe they’ll get the idea.
I’d say more like small bikes and scooters. All freeways I use have a 45 mph minimum speed limit. They’d probably come up with something along those lines.
Yeah, yeah. We all saw the movie.
Most of the vapers I know are former smokers, so post your evidence.
So nobody bothered to mention when prime day ACTUALLY is?
So nobody bothered to mention when prime day ACTUALLY is?
And mine gets power from stored petroleum-based liquid. Hydrogen doesn’t magically become electricity.
I predict their plan is to simply raise the price of a Traxx to $37,000 and call it a day.
I vape, but don’t use a Juul. They use a heavy concentration of nic salts that are way too much for me. I am down to the lowest level nicotine you can get, so that part helps.
Hmmm. Questionable math. Using the example of gas released during manufacturing of battery packs, did you forget that they have to manufacture battery packs for the Prius, also? Plus, they have a.. *ta-da!* gas engine included?
Puts them right up there with NASCAR, I reckon. Who wouldn’t want to win under the Check-... Sunoco flag?
I honestly feel there’s something very wrong about the whole thing. And that’s on both sides...
Zelda Link to the Past was it for me.
Not just the big towns... Winston-Salem pulled that scam on us.