
I felt lucky to get away with ‘Je-fu’.

It looks like they’re cheaper to repair, but more claims indicate they’re more easily damaged.

I believe that used to be true, but we’ve reached the PONR for that now.

While not denying that technology improves life somewhat, the argument here is that people need jobs in order to pay for things, like autonomous car rides.

Yeah.  When I was there, everything was built to within inches of the freeway.  To add a couple more lanes for some miles, hundreds of buildings were going to have to go.

I’m just wondering how you update software to prevent fires, and why this particular patch wasn’t already in there.

I love that woman.  And I’m white.

Wow. I have mixed feelings about this. FFVII was the first, the very FIRST World game I ever played and finished. Somewhere around the same year I was doing Link to the Past and Wild Arms.

RCA, Magnavox... Or maybe, name PEOPLE that lost billions to China, like their jobs.

Now that  IS funny!

Don’t forget that hundreds of other companies lost a billion over the last 10 years... mostly to China.

Not to ignore the fact that all the mini-lathe-making equipment is going to come from China, anyway.

Well, I do want the PS5 when it comes out.

And I thought Lexus was the ugliest!

Judging by the comments, I feel like I’m the only one who made out here. They used the HOA rules of another neighborhood for ours in Georgia. That was questionable at the least, to try to shoehorn an HOA in.

Which is an issue recently with games like World of Tanks, and WoT Blitz.  5% chance?

Most of the business majors today are taught how to keep costs down by moving everything overseas anyway.

We made every mistake on our first home, and apparently, so did the builders. So when we moved to another state. We had it inspected twice by two different inspectors. The builder fixed the few things they did find.

That is exactly what happened.  Complaints came in about lights changing erratically.  Always seemed to happen along the same route at the general same time each weekday.  He was that dumb.