
Not me.  I’ve been bad-mouthing ALL the generations.

Well, you’re right. I LOVE militarized stuff, but this is the most heinous thing I’ve viewed in many months. The Lexus grille looks better than this.

That goes all the way back to the British paying a bounty in India for cobras.  People started cobra farms.  So that scam goes back over 100 years.

My experience has been Philly doesn’t tolerate much at all.

Is that only the shared service ones? I’ve seen that in Europe, and especially Germany, bicycles that are private property are sacrosanct.  People stop, lean them up against a post, and go in to get something at a shop.  Cafes will have them all around.  Lots of bikes, and nobody seemed to be worried.

I’m now interested in how the ‘Vehicle Code’ ties in.  Since they aren’t registered and tagged vehicles, and in California, even Mopeds are, how does that affect the legal side of things?  After all, you don’t call a tow truck for a bicycle.

“the grocery company says it is donating unused, perishable food to charities. “...

It should.  Here you have to be a resident to buy a gun.

It really is not a ‘choice’ for everyone anymore. I was raised in textile country. When those plants shut down due to cheaper overseas goods? Did you expect everyone to just move to another town and get a job? Another town that also had the plant moved to China, or Viet Nam, or India? In my home town now, almost half

I trained on an IBM 360, young’n.

Actually, I believe it was (originally) a Connor... 40 MB.  Which was weird at the time because Windows 286 loaded over DOS, which my version could only see 30 MB at a drive.

I had the last of the ‘Tiger’ boards... a 286 with a 25Mhz clock.

The only way we found out it was aluminum is she cracked it on a trip to Indiana.

I just never understood why somebody would make an aluminum 231 V-6 and put this ungodly huge carb on it.

Aluminum block? Quattra-jet huge 4-bbl? I think my Mother had one. Pop could always get the strangest cars.

Men wear lederhosen. Women wear dirndls.

Cate Blanchett would be worthy of an Oscar for a 2-hour film of her sitting on a couch reading ‘War and Peace’, maybe sipping a nice wine.

True.  When I saw the billboard here, I shook my head.  Like Porsche making a refrigerator.

Fairly close. I would say (at this point) 50 years, only since tech in other data fields has a habit of progressing geometrically.

Not the cheese!!!!!