Tesla can’t do that by a long shot. Elon begged so many people out of so much money that half the Planet would have to buy one to get that stock back in.
Tesla can’t do that by a long shot. Elon begged so many people out of so much money that half the Planet would have to buy one to get that stock back in.
That would only work if Mahindra would bring us something we could, you know, actually drive on a road.
2 things come to mind. Of course, everybody has read a copy of their so-called ‘bible’, right? Koran, Q’uran, Q’ran, or whatever label whatever group has given it.
Nice thought, but they don’t NEED more business. The local one here, you can’t get in the door on weekends. The drive-thru has looped around the building twice. They don’t really need to change their thinking until society changes enough. Better yet, get the church to change it’s stance. That would help way more than…
I doubt it. It’s happened before.
People would LOVE to upgrade every five years... we just can’t afford to anymore.
You didn’t need the /s tag. Is there an n/s tag?
“a system that arbitrarily moves prices around without any rhyme or reason”...
Correct. Want to keep that plant open? Bring back the HHR. I can’t find anything that does as all-round vehicle than that box. I would get a new one tomorrow.
I will agree with most of that. There are some truly elite tech schools that you simply have to have the brains to get into.
They are floundering now that Jack is dead.
Nailed it. How come there’s never a Princess?
My Wife watches a lot of Hallmark. I watch enough movies with her to be an ‘armchair expert’. Your statement reminds me of the fact that they make an awful lot of movies with a rather small stable of actresses. More than once, I’ve asked; “Oh, it’s her. So this is the movie where they...?”. She shakes her head and…
Or maybe agonising over not having enough cash that week to buy ramen AND soap.
Thermostats are NOT sexist. They are weightist. I work with some hogs that sweat at 40 degrees, and they’re always wanting it cooler. Slim guys like me are punching code in a fleece jacket and fingerless gloves.
I think you hit that pretty well. I like a good movie regardless. Sometimes I have to adjust, yes. I was a kid reading “Sgt. Fury and the Howling Commandos”. I was a bit taken aback seeing Mr. Jackson as Fury. But he did so well, that now he’s the face in my mind for Nick Fury. It takes good acting, and writing, to do…
Well, everything else seems to be white, black, or grey, so there’s that. A flash of color is like a free donut to us.
Some years back... about 7?... They were going to bring over their version of the ‘79 Toyota truck, which they still make. Minus the grille, it was practically a ‘79. That was a good, solid little truck! But there were all the modern safety tests, and I think they gave up on it.
That would have been my biggest 16-year-old worry. I think I already had fantasies about wrestling with a fit, sweaty girl in spandex.
Living in the relatively stable area of western North Carolina now, my area doesn’t have much in the way of outrageous things. I would throw in Biltmore Estate, though. Unless you’re a real architecture nut, that’s a lot of money to wander through an old house.