True. The only time I use the sidewalk is when the lanes are narrow, the gutter is deep, and people are parked off the side, crowding me too much.
True. The only time I use the sidewalk is when the lanes are narrow, the gutter is deep, and people are parked off the side, crowding me too much.
I’ve had to do that several times.
Gods... I commuted across northside 285 for 10 years. South Atlanta Road to P’Tree Industrial. The things you see, and you often have plenty of time to see them. Plus, my Wife traveled the downtown connector, with it’s own horror stories.
My Wife only has one setting... Arctic. When she got her Buick with separate climate controls it’s a duel every day.
NIO looks like a good car. Lets wait until we get some information about quality, performance, and especially range before we start downloading that app, huh?
Only if it fits a Kallax cabinet.
Very true. I’ve started looking around for my HHR replacement, but nothing I see in my range has the space.
Yet my 2009 HHR is still getting 32+.
Fusion Wagon would get me in the door.
Yep. When it hit $4, a guy I knew couldn’t get rid of his Hummer for what he still owed. He had a big commute, and was shelling out for gas horribly. But he b*tched when it was $2 too, so ?
I think this is a perfect time for the big comeback of the Station Wagon. God, I miss those. Sit and drive like a car, but still make that Ikea run!
Beautiful. And I know it’s Ducati, but when you do bike things, put the price in huge black numbers first thing. Saves a lot of time.
NC is the same. If a code has been reset within 100 miles or so from an inspection, it won’t pass.
Our Chevy dealer is $80, and that’s only if you bought the car there. So I just went and got a Bosch computer that tells me everything, including estimated cost of parts, for $95. Used it twice (minor both times), so it’s free now.
We did it with airplanes with the PULSAC RADAR. Easy to scale down to car level.
Sorry, but if the guy can’t build a car, and fake money is far scarier than a car, how can he be trusted to make fake money properly?
Sooth. I love the Silver Wing.
You are mighty brave with the anonymous internet shielding you, aren’t you?
I think he means a ‘real’ scooter. Not the 50cc limit moped style.
I like the Silver Wing, myself.