
I’ve sat on one of these. At 5'10", 135 lbs., I like the long wheelbase and seat that’s higher than many scooters. Just a bit pricey for me, though. Couldn’t get parts for a Pacific Coast, so don’t know about wrenching on a ‘99.

I personally could go for the Silver Wing, though.

Lots of stuff made there, yes. Particularly hard drives and chips. Can’t recall owning a whole computer though. I think some Motherboards are made there, so it’s about the same thing.

Sooth. A better question would be; “Where can I possibly buy a NON-Chinese laptop?”.

Ahhhhh! A car I know something about.

Yeah, I load up my laptop. And the airlines never show ‘Con Air’, or ‘Air Force One’, or even ‘Snakes on a Plane’ for some strange reason.

I have a small 2-in-1 that has about 100 of my favorite movies.

I almost felt sorry trading in my Cobalt. It was practically a new car! The ignition thing, then the power steering pump... that was the same part used on all those Corollas that got recalled. Then there was the fuel pump getting replaced because of possible cracks... let’s see... a new computer, and a few other odds

qui a coupe le fromage?

Oh yes! Someday I’m really going to cash in on my HHR!

I once had a manual rear door lock that wouldn’t lock. Took them 15 minutes to fix it.

There’s places in North Carolina where it’s way stupid the opposite. We have a road that’s blind curves, rocks on one side, drop-off on the other, hills, park entrance, you name it. Somehow, it’s been 55 mph. It’s narrow, but still listed as a preferred bike road. Let’s not talk about the flocks of deer up there.

You are OLD!

I thought of that. Put On-Star (tm) on every tank...

Not to mention even the special air filters for there should be pretty hard to find.

They sort of do that already. Pretty much all the stuff we sell doesn’t have the laser-guided bombs or the really good radar/target lock systems. I don’t know if the ones we gave Iraq have the really updated fire-while-moving installed.

Nice. And you listed some fine wagons there. But how about simple affordable wagons? I’m talking Ford and Chevy here. And something NOT a ‘crossover’. Cruze wagon I would look at, and Focus used to have one. Where’s Honda here?

You saw that too, huh? Makes me worry how much more rust is lurking underneath. My reason for CP.

I, personally, would rather see less cars well built than many rushed out simply because they have to. Haven’t there been complaints about assembly before here? Body panel gaps and such? Well, if they put in a little more time per car, less of that will happen (we hope).

Good point. I tend to baby my cars a bit. I had 200,000 on a ‘78 Cutlass. That was topped by my ‘78 C10 Silverado with 245,000.