
So it’s hideous, but since it fits everything else...

I can’t follow the logic. I really miss something here.

But the Mach 5 had push-button tire treads!

Because, as you say, those countries get way more ice and snow than we do. In Norway, we were using studded tires. I haven’t seen them for sale in my area during my lifetime, probably because for that 2 days a year, it’s a waste.

Out of the WHOLE thing, that was my favorite. I have a hankerin’ for one of those little trucks.

I think the reason some people have an issue with Fiat 500s are the expectations. I know a guy who traded in an F-150 for a Fiat. (???) Then he complained about all the stuff he couldn’t do anymore. I also know a woman who bought one of the first Fiats, drove it trouble-free for 5 years, and just traded it in on

What share? China just takes everything, regardless of patents. It seems like we’re the only ones getting screwed in this ‘free trade’ deal.

My HHR is classified as a ‘light truck’. What’s your point? A crossover, in reality, is more like a Crosstrek, which is something like a hatch jacked up a couple inches. They can call it what they want, but the explorer is an SUV. My Wife says so, and I never, ever go against her logic.

If it’s fairly comfy, dependable, and most important, you like it... who cares? My DD is over 9 years old, runs fine, and I’m pretty sure, with 91,000 miles, the resale is bupkus.

It’s been steadily crawling back up, a penny here and there, for 6 months now. It’s like the ‘frog in hot water’ theory.

The Explorer is NOT a crossover by any standard.

When I was in Japan, there was this little pickup with that cab. I wanted one SO bad.

Good article, but it was not ‘terrifying’ in the least. I’m sitting in my office with a nice fresh hot cup of coffee. Not terrified.

Well, nice way to try and blame Trump for the last 20 years of China ‘eating our lunch’. Our 8 years of benevolent dictatorship under Obama didn’t fix anything. The last President who actually DID something was Nixon, who got us out of Viet Nam.

This would scare the heck out of me. I think I would be twitching for the wheel in traffic, and my foot would wear a hole in the carpet. I just can’t trust something without an override.

Lots more than 1... um... person. A studio in Burbank that looked like the DMZ was over $900 a month when I was looking. So I ended up 30 miles away where I could actually afford more than 40 square foot.

I saw a U-Boat in the fjords in Norway on a NATO exercise. At least that’s what we all called it.

Even when you’re desperately NOT trying to do donuts!

I think the general consensus is that, in some ways, it DOES hurt you. The neighbor who complained may be wanting to sell their house. When people show up, and notice the tree next door with a beat-up old car in it, they might change their minds. Would you then care if this was your neighbor if your property went down

You don’t get how incentives work, do you? Remember the Saturn plant that bankrupted a whole area? This plant gets tax breaks, utilities, free ground (no taxes) for some set number of years. Electricity? who is going to pay for that? They’ll probably need another school. $375 million in breaks means those expenses