
So. Subaru, the leader in the ‘eco-friendly, back-to-nature’ crowd, is going to sell out just like the others, and make a huge lower-gas-mileage SUV... just like Honda and Toyota, others who made a name on economical city-friendly cars.

Actually, some of the local freeways are getting to be real nice. I95 doesn’t get as much love because a lot of people just use it to cut through the state. I85, on the other hand, is being built up, with some very smooth concrete sections. I think that’s because far more local statewide traffic uses it.

Many counties and cities put that tax money into the ‘general fund’. That’s why so little seems to go to roads, yet taxes go up. Ours did this year. Add in brother-in-law overpriced contracting, and eventually you get to the mess we have now.

Don’t feel bad. I changed out the camshaft position solenoid, which sounds impressive, but was 1 10mm bolt and one connector, and fancied myself quite the automotive genius.

Well, we do get the right “to pursue happiness”. And, if that happiness is in the Ferrari up ahead...

I was there ‘75-’77, and they would have those disaster movie-scale wrecks. It was like a campground. We’d be sitting on the hoods, drinking beer and smoking. Some dude playing a guitar... families breaking out a cooler for a picnic. I was from a really small town, and this was just incredible to me at the time.

Good question. My friend was lane-splitting in his Silverado once and got a ticket.

You’re right. She is just like Tesla, then.

Tires (or tyres, if you’re one of those tea-slurping folk) have (has?) been a fascinating subject to me. I know, I’m that boring.

But can I buy stock in your Wife? Annnnnnnd, just exactly what would my return be?

I live in North Carolina, and near this site, so I have a vested interest in this plant.

It’s not support that counts, it’s usage. China simply tells people to sell them, and tells people to buy them. And they shoot people for not listening. Considerably different than our methods.

No. A closer example of a Ponzi scheme, to me, would be Elio.

It will take some kind of breakthrough. After all, you can make a battery out of a potato... it just isn’t a good one.

It’s been a mess for 20 years or longer. You can’t blame this one on Trump.

Pardon me, but let me ask the dumbest question of the day. When they say 65%, say, of parts, is that by volume, weight, or number of parts?

Good point. Wherever the Ka is from is a good example.

And the Fords I saw in Germany were German Fords.

We used to do just that, you know.

It is so tough to try and understand all this NAFTA mess, and I’ve been reading about it for years. To me, both sides have good points, and bad points.