Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.
There are no small roles. Only small forwards.
I read your post and just below it on my screen was the headline “Bills Fan Drinks Booze Out of Butt” and it just really tied the room together.
Carville replied, “Frog dont jump no fricasee gator run a slim jim.”
This may be the only occurrence in the history of the world where being identified as a Red Sox fan is a valid defense to being called a whiny titbag.
Thank you for participating.
If Noah doesn’t want to support an organization that ruins young men’s lives then he shouldn’t have signed with the Knicks.
It’s not anti-semitic because you don’t like it. You are the problem when you are branding anything which express solidarity with Palestine and opposition to Israel as antisemitism, when it’s not.
It’s blatantly not antisemitic, don’t be a bigot man.
I think it was sweet that both teams went out for Happy Meals, then a pool party, after the game
How dare someone—a Kennedy no less!—listen to the words of not just a man, but an old man.
Can you still call him ignorant if he backed up his heckling by sinking the put? He’s still loud and brash, but I don’t know that you can call him ignorant if he actually backs up his claims.
Everybody is getting laid!
Bob Lamey is also RGIII’s new nickname.
Jim Caldwell, thinking his team was just screwed out of 37 yards:
Interestingly, that’s what Rob Ryan uses for play calling.
That is more spirals than their fans will see all season.
At least he threw it in a dumpster and not on the side of the road. That would bring a tear to anyone’s eyes.