
“So it seems Galen Erso, Mads Mikkelsen’s character, is the one who let the Rebels know that the Empire is building the Death Star”

Uh, Mon Mothma said they intercepted a coded Imperial transmission, not that they received it. Does that not suggest Galen Erso didn’t send it to the Rebels on purpose, that he’s not some kind of sympathizer? Maybe he’s an Imperial officer or scientist whose daughter was on an Imperial service track before she quit to

Taglines for Charlie’s Angles movie:

You are weird, but you are not wrong. Those aren’t mutually exclusive.

It’s weird. I saw it on Friday, and although I think it was a hot mess, there were some individual things throughout the movie that made me like it. Like, the parts were greater than the whole.

More importantly, if the door is open for Gotham to introduce a young Clark Kent, then the CWDC shows should have an open door to introduce Batman into the Flarrowverse.

The kind who makes Charlie’s Angles movies.

It’s mighty dusty in here this afternoon...

Who hates on this movie? I’ve literally never heard any hate directed at it both on the internet and IRL. It’s a goddamn classic!

I don’t know why people hate on this movie, honestly. It’s required Christmas viewing at our house. Dustin Hoffman is perfect as Hook, the soundtrack is great, really all the pirate sections are wonderful, and all the actors (except Julia Roberts) bring their A game. Yes, the Lost Boys are dated, but that’s because

It’s in this:

Wow, it looks fantastic. And I gotta go pick up The Story of Your Life, now.

So... why are you even here?

I think you came to the wrong blog.

The real-world explanation for the different looks is that make up got better.

I can tell you where all this removal comes from. Not from the executives, but from people who don’t understand that The Joker in anything means chaos. I remember people laughing in the theater when Ledger did the pencil thing it seems times are changing and everyone gets upset.. All the Jezebellians have been up in

‘Suicide Squad Sets Box Office Record Because We Don’t Deserve Better Movies’

I havent seen it yet. But I’m going to hazard a guess that you are in possession of both realistic expectations, and a modicum of respect for creators and their difficult endeavors.

Maybe people actually like it? Shocking I know for people to disagree with your review.