
I may check back in and give Season 2 of Legends a try, but I just could not handle the idiocy of season 1, so hopefully that gets ironed out a little bit.


You know, now that I see the full shot, where does Superman keep his boots? They can’t be under his shoes, right?

In b4 “Superman doesn’t smile!” jokes

Nicole, forget the butt for now! This is more important:

Not only is it not proof, it’s just pure slander and speculation. The people who made the video don’t even know how charities work. They think if the foundation didn’t pass out the money they collect to other charities, then they’re just keeping the money. However, a lot of charities actually put the money to work

Care to explain what makes them corrupt? Being rich? Surely you can’t let those words pass through your lips without including Trump in your accusations?

Some guy on Facebook said so. Probably in “meme” format.

Yes, thinking that the scout ship on earth is so special as to be the only one from ALL the colonies that has a baby grape station makes no sense. It makes no sense logically and it makes no sense given J0r-El’s statements. To me, Zod’s statement that Kal-El was committing genocide was more because Zod was the only

Has anyone considered the possibility that all these stories are just, you know, stories? A marketing campaign? “Hey guys, you gotta see this movie, everyone involved with it is completely NUTS!”

I dunno. Ayer looks like an upstanding, law-abiding citizen, judging from this studio publicity photo.

And the best part is, he won’t be a homicidal sociopath who commits genocide by dooming his own species to extinction

Well, CG at this stage isn’t going to be completed, so don’t fret on tiny things like that.

I’m sick of that tribalism BS that gets thrown around any time comic book movies gets discussed. Normal people don’t care which comic book company made the movie, people just want to see good movies.

I was going to call it “Sword in the Snatch” but the connotations were...painful.

Snatch Excalibur sounds like a porn parody.

Can the positive reaction almost everyone has given to Wonder Woman and the Justice League trailers finally put an end to this bullshit fanboy whining of an “Anti-DC” bias. It’s an “anti-shit-movie-that-doesn’t-understand-the-source-material” bias and it exists for everyone.

Huh. Never caught that before now.

What’s so great about Panther is he’s a superhero who, if you grab him and ask him if he’s a superhero, he’ll tell you, ‘No”. He sees himself as a politician, as a leader in his country.