
Not sure they were saying he directed it ,just was in it. I assumed the "bad trip" referenced his melting.

you know the ins and outs of stripper wear very well my friend.

Ta da! Iron Man heels. Man, he even had a platform under the ball of his foot.

Biggest letdown: The panel on the Spider-Verse event. That whole event just sounds like a bad, bad crossover event.

Biggest surprise - Guardians of the Galaxy 2 already having a release date planned before the first movie hits. Marvel knows they have a potential hit on their hands and are locking down the director they

I am not defending it. i don't care. i am pointing out that this is "true to the comics" like "everyone" wants. also no one had any problem with a car burglar scaling skyscrapers in 6 inch stilettos or Black widow in platform wedges? but no, now we care? i am pointing out the general hypocrisy of the community

It's even a running gag that people are surprised when any of the three of them can take or make a joke. Because they're are usually SO SERIOUS.

This is why we can't have nice things.

I have no faith in WB/DC delivering a good follow-up to the meh MoS but I loved the changes to the heroes costumes. I prefer the darker colors/more "realistic" (yes I know, fictional characters) styling for live action media to the comic bright carnival crap that only makes sense on the page. Why certain fans think

you mean the heels she has had since the 40's!!

We'll be doing a roundup of comics news tomorrow or Tuesday. Some other sites, like ComicBookResources and Newsarama, have more comics news throughout the event. But it's definitely less central to SDCC than it used to be.

The Mad Max trailer was awesome. Was that a comic con release?

If you want to see a Halloween costume, look at the one from the NBC pilot a few years back.

you Wonder Woman looks? Freaking Internet.

Hey, I liked it, still the eagle and WW design woven into it and we can hope it gets red and blue later on but makes more sense for Diana to wear something from her heritage.

I thought we all agreed that they were wedges, it only looked like heels from the angle.

fans in marvel panel booing the new antman director!It's not like he wanted Wright to leave! He seems to be a fan, but most ppl there seemed to boo only him! Even after they showed cgi footage he directed!

Best surprise: How damn good Gail Gadot really looks in the Wonder Woman costume, which isn't too bad either.

thank you. I have no clue why io9 felt this needed to be shared...

what warped universe are you holy trinity fans from, where superman, batman and wonder woman seemed to do nothing but fight bad guys while holding hands and sliding down rainbows together?! these characters have serious drama they deal with, and when confronted, ARE TYPICALLY PRETTY SERIOUS ABOUT IT...stop hating for must have hated justice league unlimited, then...because most of the heroes were pretty pissed off most of the time (including the holy trinity), especially when being chased by alien spaceships, hunted by the public, getting spotlighted by random, brooding vigilantes, etc.