
I understand, and the real problem lies more with the more popular websites not hiring as diversely as they could/should be...however, looking at those examples, they're all region-based and one website that's more blog-friendly than sports journalism...and those examples are all sub-sites of a larger overall site

you're right...things would be better if we just continue to separate blacks and whites as much as possible, and rub the public's face in it...we can't share views that black people hold on any old web site, it has to be a site especially made for black people...hell, maybe we should take all the black on-air

Well, given your carefully worded argument, I suppose I see your point?

and black artists/writers/performers can't write for grantland to share their stories? instead, they need a whole new website to write on?? we have to segregate all sports writers now?

you know why we're still much further away from TRUE racial equality than most people think? because folks think there's a need for a "black grantland"...what the hell does that even mean?? do they think they only cover white athletes on grantland? that there needs to be an entirely separate web site for black

oh it absolutely should be reviewable, but it's not for some ridiculous reason...

but in football you can't review penalties

You do realize that this article glorifying the lebron hate does nothing more than give the haters all the attention they could possibly want, right? there's no other point in posting this do realize this, don't you??

except that they played ZERO defense in the first two periods, forcing Quick to do everything basically on his own...just imagine what's going to happen when Quick's defenders put some work in on his behalf...

based on the dude skating past, he's probably gawking at the ice were most of the men (and women, admit it...) in the staples center at that moment, I'm sure

just the PERFECT song to end Mallrats with...also, I get the tonight show gig is taken, but how about brodie taking over for letterman??

there's a difference between cleverly wording headlines and creating headlines for pure shock value...a nice pun or witty observation is one thing, but referencing the 9/11 terrorist attacks to describe poor working conditions is something else entirely...

way to be no fun

the folks in egypt worked under terrible circumstances too, but look how great those pyramids turned out! am I right?

Now playing

Are deaf people able to control the volume of their farts? Do they care?

this article should secure your place at the top for the 2014 player hater's ball...well done, also reminded me why I made a vow to never drink coffee while reading any of your of these days I'm gonna fry my laptop from a spit-take...damned white people problems...ALSO:

fuck off

can't tell if you're posting satirical onion videos because it's a slow news day, or because you're dumb enough to think it's real...but since deadspin is a site that typically portrays real news stories, you might want to clarify for some of your more naive readers...

most careers in the nfl don't last very long, so those few years of big money have to last basically the rest of their, with the long-term health affects, not many players are physically or mentally capable of holding down lasting careers once they've retired