Great stuff, but come on Justin - orange gatorade is delicious
Great stuff, but come on Justin - orange gatorade is delicious
professional cheerleading has a very shallow set of looks-based requirements...this is supposed to be revelatory?? how is this news??
yes...this is the only reason to still keep a few singles on you at all times...
But when you're about to lose a Super Bowl, your head coach tucks his tail between his legs and leaves the field early...
honestly, posting articles like this one I think does more to hurt race relations than anything...the fact that you imply we react to his comments differently becuase he's black does little more than DELIBERATELY segregate black athletes from white athletes...some idiots may watch his article and deem him a "thug,"…
Wayans Bros. - GIMME A HIGH FIVE!
get over yourselves with all this preachy shit, deadspin, and just get back to the funny...please...
i thought i read that he opened his ballot up to the deadspin readers, and their results were tallied and used when he sent it back in...
chris, THIS is why they cut you...because you spent nearly a whole season just blabbering constantly, as opposed to focusing ON YOUR's great to support causes, especially equal rights, but it always seemed like you cared way more about being seen and heard by people than you did about the causes themselves,…
"If you need to see Sofia Vergara in a hardcore threesome, you can find plenty of nonunion Mexican porn equivalents online to seal the deal."
there's a pinky finger, it's just hard to see...look at the 1st picture...
Can we all just pipe down on this scandal already?
unless a whole lot has changed, I'm a little confused by all these players saying "all locker rooms are like this (dolphins scenario) "...I worked as an equipment assistant for an NFL team during training camp a few years ago, and it wasn't one giant pissing contest like everyone seems to think...sure there was some…
Damn you Tom with your stupid arguments that only get reads so people like me can comment about how wrong you are...the quarterback is the FIELD GENERAL, okay?? (I know, horribly cliche term, but it does help describe this particular dilemma...) He's responsible for everything that's happening out there when his team…
worse than number of locations leaving boogers left behind are preexisting locations that are running out of space :) I've had the same car and desk chair for several years now, and both of those seats are running out of room on the rear back portion to wipe away nose gold...
Jenn Lee needs to get laid...real bad...
it's a good thing...a very, very good thing...
earlier draft of the script
exactly...people wanted them to make an updated version of reeves' superman...singer tried that in Superman Returns, and it was TERRIBLE...