It needs more mother-fucking cowbell.
It needs more mother-fucking cowbell.
Well that would be an interesting variation on hell.
That actually made me laugh until I cried. God I needed to see something absurd today.
It's drawn by Joseph Schindelman, who did the original illustrations for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the sequel! (which this is from. These are Vermicious Knids—aka space monsters. :) )
I googled him to get the correct spelling of his name, and saw this article. He was asked why he chose this style of…
Not one but two Liz Phair references! My 90's self is happy.
Based on what you've posted in the last few weeks—but ESPECIALLY this one—you are officially my favourite. I think we are, as Anne Shirley would say, kindred spirits.
Are you taking notes, Miles Teller?
Hold up, I want to hear the story about the date who converted to an English accent mid-date!
When I was a kid I used to answer the phone in different accents and thought that was hilarious, but this is way better.
Filming this and putting it online is way too mean. Seriously, I feel for this kid. This is like if my parents had ever posted the videos of the first time I tried waterskiing. Yes, hilarity for the world, but damn. Especially at that age....
It reminds me of papers I wrote for my advanced English degree when I was trying appear nuanced + hit a certain word count.
"What a Friday?" made me laugh out loud. Thanks, I needed that on a super shitty Monday.
I suppose I could rhetorically ask myself: "What's a Monday, anyway?" and perhaps feel a bit better about it all.
Hey, now, I'm not slapping plates of vegan food off of people's tables or anything
I tried so hard to watch this and I couldn't. So awkward! So awkward!
Yeah—thank god for my hand, is all I'm sayin'.
Ugh. I have a similar story to you two. I was swimming laps and the only other swimmer was a super old guy close to about 90. Not exaggerating. While I was taking some breathers we had some friendly chatting. That was fine, even though I prefer to not small talk while working out.
Then when I got out of the pool, he…