I love how this is an article talking about how little attention and updates Zombies mode has gotten since launch, and here you are complaining that they should focus more on Multiplayer? :\
I love how this is an article talking about how little attention and updates Zombies mode has gotten since launch, and here you are complaining that they should focus more on Multiplayer? :\
The thing is... Disney doesn’t need the money in any way shape or form. They were before and will continue to be a ridiculously profitable business without DI. It was honestly a drop in the bucket for this company, and it seemed that game development felt like more of a hassle than it was worth to them.
Indeed... It’s unclear why Luke keeps trying to pin the blame of the game’s cancellation on “Corporate Mismanagement”, with literally no mention of how it was mismanaged or how that caused the games cancellation in either article.
Well it was damn easy to ignore that the first two existed... this may be a bit trickier if it’s a Hollywood film, but I’ll do my damnedest to try.
I tell you what... As soon as I first saw that guy join NVC a while ago, I had an bad feeling about him... He always striked me as super fake, and it was hard to tell who the “real Filip” is. I think we’ve figured it out now, and this does not surprise me in the slightest.
Is there a way to find out what version of these games they are running?
Is there a way to find out what version of these games they are running?
What an awful, clickbait headline...
IMO Spiteful Summoner is the scourge of the meta currently. I’d literally pay Blizzard to nerf that card.
“If you have a mental health issue, violent media will normalize violence making it seem acceptable, and guns provide an avenue to carry it out.”
I’m a 400+ hour D1 player, and I’m one of the folks that bounced after I got locked out of Heroic Strikes (the only feature I really wanted and had been waiting for) for not buying the expansion. That was the end of Destiny for me. Hoping the series crashes and burns for it’s bad, anti-consumer, anti-hardcore strategy.
“you’re going to have to put up with a lot of things that are under-explained, jarring or just plain broken to enjoy them.”
Good on Bungie for trying to improve this game, but for me, this is about 5 1/2 months too late.
I was with you until you called the Beastie Boys punk... Bot confirmed.
Uhh, what kind of marketing genius decides to debut a trailer with temp animations... Why? Nobody was dying to get that new Shenmue trailer... just wait till it’s ready. Wtf.
The only articles that should be up on any mainstream gaming site right now regarding the SNES Classic, is what a disaster this is for the fans.
WHERE IS YOUR CASTLE BAD GUY is def my favorite... and honestly, I kind of like this idea!
Stiiiiiil pending!
Why is this still in pending?
Please Kotaku, we as consumers have zero ability to impact Nintendo’s plans for this SNES Mini launch, likely because the buzz around an impossible to find product is more valuable to the company than actual sales are... PLEASE hold them accountable when they turn the sale of this product into a rat race. There is…