
Glad you asked the pointed question about VC, frustrated with the response obviously.

Thats funny cause I feel like theres not nearly enough good metroidvania’s to play, maybe one really good one per year, and it’s my favorite genre. Opinions, crazy amiright??

why is this still pending?

Any video game whose solutions are in any way related to 4th-dimensional shadows, even if only loosely, is just one of the reasons why FEZ is and forever will be the most awe-inspiring piece of art work ever created to me (regardless of what anyone thinks about it’s creators). Sublime, thought-provoking, eerie, and

Damn. I’m in the exact same situation and a friend just started playing for the first, really making me want to jump back in... Seems hopeless though :(

I’m sorry to be one of those a-holes here, but you guys (gals) have no idea what you are talking about.

Was really hoping consumers wouldn’t reward all of Nintendo’s terrible business practices of late by pre-ordering this thing, but I guess people just can’t wait for Zelda.

I suppose...

I gotta say, this was one of the first Nerdlove questions I can relate to... I think Short End of The Stick and I might be twins... 5'5", white, I’ve been told good looking, well educated, well dressed, etc... and I’m 36.

Looking forward to the day when we never have to again utter the words: “Awful stealth mission”

Interesting. My formative years are definitely the 486 MS-DOS/early Windows years, so I can relate to the era, but I don’t really get this whole, being afraid to open up your brother’s game thing... Maybe I was just usually the one installing them, so I skipped that particular anxiety?

Woah, literally LAST NIGHT I just discovered an extremely underrated Mega Drive gem, Monster World IV... and this game looks amazing similar!! Oh synchronicity.

“Plenty of knowledgable people still see VR as a fad, destined to go the way of the laserdisc and the 3D TV.”


You certainly like to talk a lot, and we can split hairs on verbiage, but again, you clearly don’t seem to understand anything about the costs of running even a tiny shop... $10 even at 100,000 sales is $1M gross... How much do you think it costs to live, eat, house, clothe, supply, PAY PEOPLE for those years

Only way I’d ever pay for this is if they gave me a automatic voucher for the NES Classic. Nintendo won’t get a dollar from me until those things are made actually available. Such a freaking anti-consumer company. They don’t deserve your business people!

Full-featured refers to the time and cost required to create the product, not the inferred quality. You say that a $10 game sold to some tens of thousands of consumers will make a studio millions of dollars... I’m not sure you really understand how this business works.

200k is barely a notable install-base for even the most niche of products... Even if 100% of the customer base bought your game, that’s not even close to recouping the costs of developing a full-featured game... and there is no way 100% of the hardware owners will buy your stuff... You just illustrated why this

I don’t know anything about this kid, but his face does make me angry.

Or VR will simply fade away if the install-base never reaches critical mass, and companies like this that made investments in VR development get shafted... If I were running a studio I would be staying far far away from VR development.