I don’t think I’ve met anyone who had a negative opinion about the Firefly theme song... except this website.
I don’t think I’ve met anyone who had a negative opinion about the Firefly theme song... except this website.
I don’t think so, although... I didn’t really like the Batsuit from Batman Returns. They did away with the muscles in the torso section and instead made it look like it was armor. Which makes sense; it IS armor, but the midsection looks like a large armadillo and the overall effect is too stylized. It just didn’t seem…
Didn’t they already make this movie in 1997 with Meg Ryan and Matthew Broderick? Or has everybody else managed to forget Addicted to Love except for me?
Maddie Hayes: “I got an idea!”
“Have you forgotten where you are? You’re in the dome, baby.”
There IS kind of a Candleshoe vibe to this; there’s a definite “I need to find this and then this and... oh shit, it was sold to somebody else so now I need to get to the train station fight LARPers!”
The first slightly-off note I heard was pretty early on, which made me wonder if people who perform live these days do it intentionally to show they’re not using autotune or lip-syncing. I always have a positive reaction to hearing a slightly-off note at the start of a performance these days—“This is actually live!…
It was good, but I think I would’ve liked the performance more without the giant movie in the background. It was like Swift was barely there, and just adding background music to some sad film featuring actors I barely know.
Yeah, that one was really confusing. 30 states *do* have a law on the books requiring drivers to stay in the right lane and use the left lane for passing. So that statement is ‘fact.’
[Googles Greg Burson]
Wait, they decided to cancel Good Eats again!???? Fuckers just brought it back!
I think most people who watch Jep generally agree: minimally, he did the host role well.
I actually watch Jeopardy; I hadn’t missed an episode in years until this year, when I found Richards so incredibly dull I decided to wait until his stint was over to watch more. I wholeheartedly agree with A.V. Club’s take. Bialik wouldn’t be my first choice, but she’s much, much higher on my list than Richards.
That’s exactly what I’m hoping, but I’m also prepared to be severely disappointed
And some people reject essentialism. There is no “good guy,” just people who, when faced with the opportunity to do evil, choose not to.
So here’s a question: who leaked to the press that he was in ‘final negotiations?’ It doesn’t strike me as something Sony would’ve done. Did Richards do it under the belief it would help him get the job? Or did someone who didn’t want him to get the job leak it, under the (correct) assumption there’d be a tremendous…
Nice review; it’s clear Jesse’s seen a bunch of episodes to be able to list the characters that were added to the OG team. As a parent who’s watched too many damn episodes myself, I feel his pain.
Bluey is so good I occasionally find myself watching it even when my kid isn’t around. I can’t say that about any kid’s show other than Bluey!
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...and all of that has nothing to do with whether he was guilty or innocent of the charges, which is why it’s called a ‘technicality.’ He was ‘technically’ not guilty, not ‘actually’ not guilty.