Oh m... I want so badly to be able to un-see that movie poster... Joan Crawford is terrifying
Oh m... I want so badly to be able to un-see that movie poster... Joan Crawford is terrifying
Excellent point. He’s got a point about how prevalent they were, though. In 1959, there were 30 American TV Westerns on during prime time. And there were only 3 channels! 8 of the top 10 shows were Westerns. And that’s just TV. Even if you include all the cable networks AND streaming, there haven’t been anywhere near…
I feel terrible that I agree with this
Yeah, I loved Excalibur and had no idea it was polarizing.
Yep, she’s a lesbian explicitly in the text. A girlfriend shows up at one point who is identified as her girlfriend. Then she falls for Affleck’s character without a great deal of internal struggle about it. At least when Affleck’s character in Chasing Amy made a lesbian switch teams, Joey Loren Adams’ character…
Just wanted to chime in with the others: thanks so much for this column! I loved it and am sorry to see it end. Not *quite* as bummed as when WKRP ended, but close!
How does the TVA work with regards to the Time Stone?
I think part of the reason it still comes up in discussion is because there was a 6-year delay between the original game and the sequel, and for about 5 of those years they didn’t officially announce the sequel existed even though everybody wanted one. Then Half-Life 2 came out and it was one of the few instances…
Sidehackers II
Can’t it be both things? A completely unnecessary extravagance that’s also not at all surprising?
I... thought Striptease was the only officially sanctioned film where we could discuss them. Did I miss an email?
Agreed, she came up with some fun stuff during the second season.
Yeah, he did an interview with Rod Steiger on that show that was incredible. Definitely a good interviewer.
Thanks, you made me snort Diet Mountain Dew out of my nose with the Deborah Norville comment
Don’t feel bad about being greyed, most of your posts will likely get ‘starred’ by somebody ungreyed and then they’ll be visible. I was lucky here because everyone with an AV Club account when they used Disqus was automatically ungreyed when they transferred to this system. Over at i09, I started posting around 2009…
I know I should dislike the ending of this movie, but I just love it. When I was a kid, being young and clueless, I’d watch something like The Sure Thing without realizing what it was doing, and then (because I was a hopeless romantic at heart since age 5) I’d be sooooo happy when John Cusack and Daphne Zuniga’s…
Huh. I had assumed that after the final fight with Thanos, there were several days leading up to Tony’s funeral, and during that time someone fixed the shield. Sending Cap back in time to return all the stones would be dangerous, and I assumed he’d want his shield for that. If that’s the case, then there were 2…
Exactly! “Uh, Ed? What’re ya doing?”
I hate to say this, but I call bullshit on his story that only he knew he was imaginary during filming. So if he hadn’t asked for another take, and told the waitress to ignore him, then the whole thing would’ve been blown? That can’t be right. I don’t buy that their whole plan rested on whether Ed asked his fellow…
Wow, I am officially old because this all sounds stupid as fuck. I mean, grats to Lil Nas for being ok with himself, but other than that--nah.