I can relate; the one time I went to see Avatar at the theaters, about half the audience clapped at the end. They were quiet for the whole thing, and then clapped at the credits. There’s just something about eco-blockbusters I guess.
I can relate; the one time I went to see Avatar at the theaters, about half the audience clapped at the end. They were quiet for the whole thing, and then clapped at the credits. There’s just something about eco-blockbusters I guess.
“You didn’t get a second opinion on something called a brain cloud?”
Leveraged buyouts! Speaking of incredibly weird:
I continue to strongly believe Joe Versus the Volcano is great. This film, not so much. But I haven’t seen it since it came out, and I was 19 at the time. The trailers for January Man made it seem more like a straight-up farce, so I was expecting that and it didn’t really deliver.
Article: “None of this is complicated!”
But it won’t survive the revolution of low-cost home theaters even as the fidelity of displays continues to go up.
I made the same comment earlier this week in a different section of the internet (that Palm Springs was the best movie I’d seen this year). Glad to see there’s at least one other human who thinks that! The montage was great.
This, exactly this. Maybe she thinks Superman is supposed to be a shitty asshole who doesn’t care about people. I also can’t think of anything WW did in Whedon’s version that would piss her off to a sufficient degree that she’d be upset about it. It’s just a puzzling thing for her to say.
I can recall somewhat-intense discussions among my contemporaries at the time about whether Grieco was hotter than Depp. In ‘89, many of them thought Grieco was going to have a much better career! “He’s already got his own show, and all Depp’s doing is a movie with that weirdo dude who likes transvestites.”
Yep, I had combined the two shows in my head until the last time Grieco came up for discussion here. “Wait, so Gates McFadden wasn’t in Booker!? It was a different show?? Damn,” was basically my response. What amazes me is I also would’ve sworn both shows occurred right after each other, but one ended in 1990 and the…
If Looks Could Kill was legitimately entertaining, if not technically ‘good.’ Haven’t seen it in ages.
Interview Magazine republished an interview he gave to Gregory Speck; it doesn’t mention the date the interview took place but it looks to be to be from early 80's. Anyway, he had this to say about MJF playing him:
Holy Christ, that ‘parable’ is 40 paragraphs long! I’m not invested enough to bother reading a novella.
I know I’ve seen mystery-type shows devote episodes to it. And I’ve seen Devil’s Pass, which is a fictionalized account of 5 people investigating the incident and encountering freaky stuff when they go to the Pass. But I’m not aware of a particular documentary addressing it.
I’m late to this conversation, but I have to say I don’t know what’s more surprising—Snyder tweeting support for Joe Biden, or that the National Review article condemning it was written by Armond White. I should’ve guessed the most ridiculous movie critic of all time was a Republican!
YES. He was so good I actually enjoyed the scene where he admits his true feelings to her.
Yes. I would love a documentary about the Atari 400/800 and how for a short time they ruled because their graphics were on par with the arcades, and then the Commodore 64 came out and basically took over. And then Jack Tramiel jumped from Commodore to take control of Atari but completely frelled it up.
Couch, but what I’m really doing is playing on a gaming laptop and using the laptop’s screen. My wife likes to watch actual shows on the 60-inch living room TV instead of watching me play Pillars of Eternity or Doom, go figure. I prefer hanging out with her and our 18-month-old instead of hooking my laptop up to the…
As far as a single scene, the one that takes me out of the movie was never the grenades in the cockpit, but instead the snowmobile shoot-out
I can add to the old-timey-ness of it: I can remember having to head to Sears’ bathrooms quite often after going to either Waldenbooks or Musicland!