
Frankly, I just think he’s wildly naive about massive commercial productions. My guess is that the “abusive” behavior is execs and Whedon getting tired of listening to his “suggestions” and it finally reached a point where he was told some variation of, “you need to just shut up and do the job you’re under contract

Nice list, but that is a really high ranking for The Exorcist

What drives me crazy is that I AM subscribed to their newsletter and I still get those fucking prompts

Agreed. And as someone who tried back in the late 80's, it’s actually pretty hard to write a catchy pop song. It seems like it should be incredibly easy, but it really isn’t. 

Now that you mention it, I think that’s correct, the CW characters only think there’s no multiverse, but there is.

I dunno, can they really do it justice? It’s nearly unfilmable.

Me too; I don’t like only having the online version because they could vanish—even purchased stuff can disappear. I’d much rather have the physical media.

Great article; some of the best relationships in the Marvelverse(?) developed on this show. I’m going to miss AoS so, so bad. I realize it’s not Breaking Bad or anything, but I looked forward to seeing it more than just about any other show for 7 years. It’s the only show on TV that consistently made me say, “Wait,

Huh. I would’ve bet good money that Gyllenhall was taller by several inches.

Heard’s testified about it, and there are witnesses that corroborated her testimony. If the ultimate question is whether the newspaper violated the law with their statements, I would vote “no.” They have more than one source telling them he beat his wife.

Ok, I laughed so hard at “All My Blacks” (I can just see Trump thinking that was the best name for a TV show ever) that I started coughing, and now the other people in the office are looking worried. I may have to go home! Score!

Huh. Well, I was kind of interested in this, but now that Snyder’s just being a giant fucking assshole, I think I’ll pass. What a complete knob.

Awesome, I’ll have to check it out!

I’m kind of in the same boat. My wife and I watched 3 episodes and I think she’s done with it, whereas I want to see it through to the end because I’m much too optimistic and am hoping it improves. I actually am ok with the conception of Merlin--the character has somewhere to go, narratively speaking.

YES. Those were really great books; it’s surprising to me nobody’s ever attempted a screen version of The Crystal Cave.

I liked Xena from the start, but completely missed the lesbian subtext until I watched The Quest. What can I say; I was dense in my younger days! That led me to the internet, which led me to the Wooosh! website, which had really interesting, involved discussions about aspects of the show (including the subtext) and it

Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking, “FX? What?”

I’m really surprised there isn’t more Duran Duran on this list. Just The Reflex and A View to a Kill. That’s so weird—I’m not surprised to see those two songs necessarily, but I’d expect to see Rio, Hungry Like the Wolf, Save a Prayer, Girls On Film and Is There Something I should Know? before I’d see either of ‘em.

Yes; I absolutely agree on all points. It’s possible to take a high-concept premise and make a great romantic comedy out of it, but they’re rare. (Was that the first time Don’t Tell Her It’s Me has been referenced in these discussions? If so... congrats?

This random stranger says: no, not worse than Failure to Launch. I like your idea of using that film as a measuring standard. “Did I feel more miserable today at work than I did when I watched Failure to Launch? No. Then it was an ok day.”