
I agree that this film can be a dividing line after which rom coms were mostly unsatisfying—so, so many of the rom coms that came out in the 2000's just weren’t very good. I stopped seeing them at the theaters, but would watch them at home, and even this ended around 2007 or so.

On Chrome, if you make the window half the width of the screen then it displays like a normal article.

This is so true.

Other people already pointed out your comment is irrelevant to the issue at hand, but I get it—you can’t comment in an article that IS relevant, because the website isn’t covering it.

Why is that less offensive than talking about abortion?

I’m judging it against Fast Times At Ridgemont High and Dirty Dancing, two 80s movies (the latter a generation-defining romcom) that are frank about abortion, and actually show characters experiencing it. Apatow is a candyass.

Maude was having an abortion 30 years before that. 90s teen dramas were addressing it 10 years before that. It seemed like cowardice to me.

This. Thanks for your post, it saves me from having to describe how much it sucks to not have a brother because a drunk driver hit my parents’ car head-on at 60 mph. Nearly lost my sister years after that because a different drunk driver hit her car from the side—it no longer looked like a car; I have no idea how she

you find out that even the actual doctors who would be killing Ellie aren’t even sure whether or not it would work


You probably get this a lot, but... username checks out

I was wondering that too. And he nearly always gets cast as an insufferable asshole, so is he being pranked all the time by the studio? “Gad wants to be in this, and he’ll cater, so have the writers add a character that everybody will want to punch in the face.”

Agreed about Josh Gad. Reading his description above just makes me want to run as far away as possible. But then reading that Judi Dench wears green armor, has elf ears and speaks in an Irish brogue perks me back up again. Apparently, that’s my kind of crazy...

Dead Again and Peter’s friends were really good I thought, although I haven’t watched them in decades. I liked Murder on the Orient Express but it is a bit slow-developing. I haven’t seen a lot of his Shakespeare output, but I liked his version of Henry V

Eisner and Katzenberg were pure cancer, weren’t they?

Woody left because Bo Peep is hot.

Huh. So today I learned that what I consider a good uneven bars performance in gymnastics hasn’t been a thing since the last time I paid close attention, which was 1980. Good to know.

If she was mean to Nicole Kang at any time she is dead to me

I suppose if we’re just looking at great endings, I can see how the first Bioshock doesn’t make the list, although I’d still put it in my personal top 10. Its story in general, which includes the greatest twist in gaming history, I’d put at #1.

Hey, maybe underneath all the tough guy attitude, vulgarity and violence, Andy Sipowicz is actually a decent person!