
That’s what I was thinking--where’s Supergirl?

Good point!

You magnificent bastard, thank you!

Wait, The Dream Is Alive? IMAX movie about the Space Shuttle? That $125 mil amount has to be the amount it made over the (literal) decades it was shown in museums’ IMAX theaters.

Somebody involved with the film was recently asked about this, and they responded by pointing out that George and Lorraine only saw him for 8 days, and even then, they only saw him on occasion during that 8-day period. There’s no reason why they would remember what somebody looked like from 30 years ago that they only

So many good quotes in that one...

I definitely recommend it, even if you don’t like westerns. For one thing, the acting pedigree is ridiculous as others have mentioned. And after seeing it, you basically don’t have to watch another western, ever—it distills down (and sometimes deconstructs) just about every western trope conceived, in pretty

Amazing, I came here to specifically post about how much I loved that episode! “Das Plane.” Veteran (super-veteran) character actor William Hickey plays not-quite-all-there Carlton Blanchard, who won a free trip and makes them fly to Wyoming by way of Oklahoma and Las Cruces, New Mexico, to see (and eventually mug) his

Totally loved Once and Again! It should’ve gotten a 4th season. It’s interesting to watch now and see how impressive Evan Rachel Wood already was at age 12.

I had the same reaction to Brosnan, although for me it’s partly his performance. There’s a degree of foppishness and lack of physicality to it, especially post-Goldeneye, that doesn’t work for me. It may be partly because I watched all 5 seasons of Remington Steele, where he played a movie nerd pretending to be a

He more or less redefined the modern-era Bond with Dalton being roundly panned

I was glad to see it included on the list; it’s a really enjoyable flick.

I don’t think we’re meant to think he was already committed. After he got back to his house from the events of season 2, he became a recluse and (as we saw in this episode) basically ransacked his own house. Charlotte had to coax him out of his house in order to have him committed, plus she needed him to freak out and

I don’t think there’s any chance it’d go to Disney+ first, there wouldn’t be enough increase in subscriptions. And I’d be surprised if it went to online sales or rental first—Disney isn’t going to turn its back on the $600 million (at a minimum) that it’d make at the box office before being available on VOD. Even if

“I could crush your head... like a nut... but I won’t. Because I need you.” 

Temple of Doom was the scariest movie ever made to me because of the bug scene.

That’s hilarious—if my parents had prevented me from seeing RotJ and took me to Tender Mercies instead I would’ve emancipated myself as soon as I could. What was Simon’s reasoning? “Kids LOVE stories about grizzled country singers who’re helped with their drinking problem by kindly widows?”

I’m glad you pointed that out—I guess it should’ve been obvious when Nine to Five (which came out in December 1980) was in the first list but nowhere to be found in the second, but I was scratching my head until your post.

Just to add to the already excellent answers here, the way I read Indy’s reaction is that he’s pissed because Katanga is implying he always looks terrible. He hasn’t slept in two days and during those two days he dug a giant hole, found the Ark, got trapped with a bunch of snakes, rode a statue to get out, had an epic

For some reason, “I’m old enough, but it’s kind of dicey” made me laugh embarrassingly hard. Loved that skit.