
Why in the wide, wide, world of sports would the dialogue options be in past tense

if you played a solo fighter you probably didn’t mash spacebar anyone else you probably paused every round anyway.

53 is not a Boomer, it is prime Gen X.

You weren’t going to buy one anyways.

This is different and therefore stress-inducing, but it looks like it might actually be a good thing once that part of my brain that goes “NO NO NO NO” in the face of change quiets down. It looks decently organized and somehow conveys more information without being too cluttered.

What I want to know is: how in the wide, wide world of sports did he somehow make Judd Apatow think he’s funny? Apatow talks about Davidson like he’s the next fucking Carlin. 

The bottom bar didn’t show up for me even after I followed the instructions. I had to also click the drop-down menu under “Duet-TabStrip Integration” and select “Enable.”

I would actually just be happy if JW3 dials down the blue filter a little, by... say 1000%.

No! That is your last blood. Your brother can have one more blood because he mowed the lawn. But no more blood for you, there are children exsanguinating in Africa!

I agree; season 4 was good enough to get me to stick with the show, and I’m glad I did. Then 5 was even better.

I see your point. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Frozen and I haven’t seen II yet, so I’m probably giving Olaf short shrift!

I wanted to like this show, but all the characters are so one-dimensional it’s just not interesting. I kind of like Suzy Nakamura’s character and Nikki Akamura-Bird’s, but I wouldn’t care if the rest of them got shot out of an airlock. (Ok, maybe I’d also spare Lenora Crichlow.)

I can’t pick just one, it’s impossible. But Minsc and Boo shouldn’t be forgotten:

I was also thinking about nominating Morrigan. Male-gazey costume notwithstanding, she was a really compelling character with her own agenda separate from the PC’s. Good choice.

Also in my mid-40s when I played it, and same. That ending blew my mind.

Best. Kobold. Ever.

We are weird, no question. I’ve got to imagine there’s something your culture would find inappropriate to put on a TV show, though. Neo-Nazis? Actual Nazis? References to the movie version of Cats? Anal fisting? Jared Kushner?

Yes! I have a 10-month-old, and 11 months ago I couldn’t stand screaming babies. Now they don’t bother me at all. At most I idly wonder if the kid needs a nap or a diaper change. It’s exactly like a switch was flipped. 

The floor was lava for me in 1974, so that predates the 80's by a little. I suspect that the floor’s been lava since movie serials from the 1930's and 40's.

This was excellent. Not since Caity Weaver spent 14 hours eating the same appetizer at TGI Friday’s have I laughed this hard while also being deeply concerned about the writer’s health and sanity. I feel like I should start a Save Allison Robicelli’s Intestinal Tract Kickstarter!