
I never saw Life As We Know It, but I remember the ads featured Heigl getting baby poop on her face and not realizing it right before a bunch of people show up at her house. And then one of the bunch points it out to her in the least funny way imaginable. Yet it was clear the trailer wanted me to think it was funny.

How can anyone concentrate on legislating intelligently when they have to contend with that 1978 carpet? It’s so hypnotically terrible.

Somehow I completely missed this movie when it came out. I’m going to have to find it streaming somewhere.

I wonder how much of a dent YouTube has put in the general handyman / repair person industry?

Being an original fan is basically saying “I remember the bicentennial, now listen to my opinion.”

Needs more stars


Hey, me too!

A recent study says the songs we listen to during our teen years set our musical taste as adults. What were you listening to around age 14? Do you still listen to it today?

Can confirm, my 2016 Murano’s been great so far. Has every luxury option I wanted and then some. Also <$19000.

Too often, The Next Level passes off callbacks to gags from its predecessor as jokes, all while presuming that viewers have an unhealthy familiarity with the Jumanji canon. (To anyone who hasn’t seen Welcome To The Jungle: Good luck figuring out who Colin Hanks and Nick Jonas are supposed to be playing in this movie.)

When Frain seemingly would only get cast as evil assassins for a while, I kept asking no one in particular, “Why do they keep casting Forney as an assassin?” It took about 6 evil assassin roles before I could buy in. 

I was thinking the same thing—he must be referring to Intruders. Wish he would’ve commented more about that, because Intruders was rather insane. Although you make a good point, it was just another creepy assassin role for him, back when it seemed like that was all he’d get cast for.

My favorite scene is when Keanu and his scientist friend/conspirator walk out of Keanu’s house, having just effectively raised the dead by creating copies of his families’ bodies and inserting their memories, and his friend turns to him and says “Well, see you at work,” like they’re leaving a company barbecue. WTAF.

I’m probably going to drop Netflix after this news, and then just re-sub when the next season of Stranger Things comes out (so that my wife doesn’t kill me). I’m not only mad as hell they canceled this show, I see no reason to get invested in another show when it’s obvious it can only exist for 3 seasons unless it’s

What the fuck is even the point of Netflix anymore if they are just going to be Fox 2.0.

Jeff doesn’t have to be an addict in my example. Even for the non-addicted, drinking alcohol can constitute a temptation that isn’t beaten for all time just because it was resisted once. The dark side remains slippery and seductive throughout a person’s life. In RotJ, it causes Luke to nearly kill his father before

I think you’re right—the marketing for this film was terrible. They really needed top notch marketing to have any hope of breaking even and instead they gave us reasons NOT to see the movie—“There’s nothing new here, you might as well stay home,” was what I got out of the trailers. I don’t think directors generally

That’s my take as well—decent film but it was destined to bomb.

Luke had already learned his lessons