I will never not star a Far Out Space Nuts reference.
I will never not star a Far Out Space Nuts reference.
Would watch
I think the last cassingle I bought was something from Duran Duran (“Ordinary World” maybe?) and the B-side was a live version of “Hungry Like the Wolf” that started out with a slow tempo, which sounded really cool.
Ha!! Good point. Although now that I think bout it, I’d watch superyoung Johnny Depp and Rob Morrow in a sort-of buddy comedy about goofballs running afoul of Elizondo’s jewel thief character before I’d watch Tim Allen repeatedly get puzzled and then annoyed over vegans and other things he doesn’t like.
I think Disney could put out one movie a year—it carved out mid-December for itself and I think there’s enough demand and interest to bring people back to theaters every December. What it can’t do is put out a new film just 5 months after the previous one, and jam it in the middle of a heavy summer movie schedule so…
That’s one of the more weird things about this. Spectrum was the company formed out of the merger between Time Warner Cable and Charter Communications. Two of the least-liked cable companies combined forces and for some reason started making their own TV shows, aired on their “On Demand” channels. To watch the…
Holy shit, Hector Elizondo is on that show!?? But.. he’s actually good!
I get that it’s not how group lists work, it’s a bunch of people whose respective opinions are aggregated. Still, this means—like you said—”many people making the lists liked many other things more than superhero movies.” That’s true; in fact, many people making the lists liked Magic Mike XXL enough so that it ends up…
Were you guys out there on best-TV-of-the-90s lists complaining about the lack of Home Improvement?
Because robots can’t make babies.
Ah, you beat me to it. I read this whole list feeling nostalgic about the previous decade’s list. Amazing to think it’s been a full decade since the first time someone came here and typed, “WHERE’S FIREFLY?”
I’d say Silver Streak and Stir Crazy are in the ball park of Gene Wilder’s collaborations with Mel Brooks, while not being quiet as iconic.
I absolutely want more stuff like A Wrinkle in Time, but... when the Lion King remake pulls in over a billion dollars and makes more money than everything else that’s come out in the past year that isn’t Avengers: Endgame, I can see how it’s kinda hard to NOT be doing this. The Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the…
The fact that this and Lion King didn’t really light any fires doesn’t matter to them.
Angry Star Wars fans have disagreed with George Lucas since at least 1999. (or possibly 1983.)
I find it interesting that Lena’s sticking point is that she was lied to rather than the fact that she was the last to know.
My my my MY GOD!!!
Me, I’m holding out for a gritty reboot of “The Space Nuts” myself.
“Youse Honor, I didn’t threatens him! Alls I said was, ‘Nice place youse gots here; be a shame if anythings happened to it’! Thassa compliment! I rests my case.”