
You’re really looking forward to a movie where two of the Chrises go back and forth about which one’s really in charge for the entire runtime? That sounds tedious. As soon as Thor was thrown in with the Guardians they made Quill’s character seem pathetic, especially during the bit where Quill mimics Thor’s accent. I

So for the sake of any thematic consistency to the Guardians movies, and for the sake of entertaining more possibilities, I hope Thor moves on to bigger and better things.

I do feel like there was a moment post-Days of Future Past where it also felt like they might be able to do something interesting.

I get that, but on the other hand it’s not like she’s a fan. I’m not a fan of sports, so if I were to, say, appear in a series of films about baseball, that wouldn’t suddenly make me a sports fan, plus (like a lot of actual actors) I don’t like seeing myself on film anyway. If I knew I’d had a big role in the Babe

Same thing happens in programming.

Will it still be using the AD&D rules? It’s not Baldur’s Gate if I don’t have a THAC0.

To those of you just tuning in, Battlestar Compactica has completed a pitch-perfect reimagining of The Smith’s “Bigmouth Strikes Again” as a song about The Dark Knight. And has only gotten 6 stars for it. We now join your regularly-scheduled program while it’s still in progress.

By the way $200million is not Pixar money

The whole story is about a bunch of petty morons getting caught up in a meaningless squabble over an empty throne and ignoring a bigger danger even as it becomes more and more and more obvious.

The supernatural threat is literally the very first thing the series ever establishes.

Okay, but imagine that they’d blown up the Death Star with, like, forty minutes left in the movie, and the rest of it was Leia arguing with General Dodonna about who should be in charge of the Rebel Alliance. It would feel weird and anticlimactic, right?

The only thing I will defend Synder on is “Batman is a stone-cold murderous motherfucker”. Which he is. He always has been.

That’s true, they did also protect everybody from the Wildlings. I’m not saying the “he left to live with/be King of/ the Wildlings” interpretation is wrong. It’s just not the one that I immediately thought of. And I think the Night’s Watch will never be irrelevant as long as there are people the government doesn’t

He went to be king of the Wildlings

“The Freshmaker!”

Ah, I can see it now. Mid-action freeze frame on Jon shrugging, then cue Growing Pains Theme played by Wars of the Roses-era minstrels:

You are right on this, and I would delete my earlier comment if I could.

And there is no intent requirement with copyright infringement. If you parallel write the same joke someone else already wrote, you’re infringing whether you did it on purpose or not.

Now playing

His kid Steve’s been doing them through the 2000's. He continues the beige suit tradition, but I can’t find a decent example on youtube. This one’ll have to do:

Now playing

I agree with you that the travel sketch (a parody of a real ad, apparently) was the best of the night