
The bar is still around, and plays a stickier defense at the rim than he ever could.

My wife and I are Bama homers and we went to New Orleans to watch UA play Ohio for the first round of the first playoff. We watched Ohio State pants us, in person, and we STILL had a fantastic time that night largely because of that fumble happening a few hours later.

The Redhawks went on to win, proving once again Chicago Dogs are no good with catch-up.

Counterpoint: The Tangerine Dream score is fucking great.

“Chode” is criminally underutilized these days. Thank you for this.

You should be allowed to be critical of any religion without being killed. Islam does not get a special pass.

He still didn’t KILL anyone...

Where I live tacos are not hipster food.

Frank Reich pretty much looks like a Colts coach. He looks like a cereal company executive. I can already picture him ducking the question when someone asks him why he decided to punt at the opponent’s 36.

Your comments are right on.

The whole “the black community needs better parents” is so fucking racist and tired. 150 years ago we couldn’t HAVE parents or families because we were slaves and any children you had or whoever you loved could be sent wherever, whenever. So this whole “you need to have a nuclear family like us whites” is just so

Mother does not approve of your salty language, Drew.

You just perfectly articulated why I simultaneously hate football, will never stop watching football, and why I will never set foot in a football stadium again. Thank you

The one great narcotic that the NFL has at their disposal is that it feels good to watch the game on a chilly autumn Sunday when you don’t really want to do anything. Maybe that’s at a bar, maybe that’s at a friends place, maybe that’s just by yourself, falling asleep on the couch. But it’s still pretty great, even if

Ben McAdoo looks like a guy who has ordered multiple samurai swords from ads in the back pages of hustlers from the 80's

Ben McAdoo looks like the fourth or fifth guy you’d hire to to assault a figure skater with a baton.

They complete the heist and return to the hideout to split the loot. The shadowy lead figure that bankrolled the whole job is there. No one has seen him as of yet. Everyone collects their share and leaves. Seth “The Mouth” Rogen turns around before leaving:

Ken gets my star:

Nah, they’d lose on the first Sunday.