
(7) Any variation on “I like having fun.”

I’ve also felt that temptation, usually wanting to ask complex math word problems.

As a hetero male, auto swipe-lefts include any of the following in a woman’s Tinder profile:

There are Croatian volunteers in the Ukrainian army and they are to a man fascist. That U in the top right corner refers to the Ustashe collaborators of the Nazis, and were active participants in genocide in the Balkans.

“Three games.”

My fave grey comment is saying shit like “this isn’t what MLK died for.”

Not all heroes wear capes. We are a nation of immigrants, a melting pot of cultures, colors, creeds, religions, cuisines, styles, languages and we are better because of our unified diversity. Thank you, Therese Patricia Okoumou! You are an American hero and we love you!

While I do love me 2 tacos, a bacon ultimate cheeseburger, curly fries and a large Dr. Pepper while partaking, the problem with JIB is that it takes FOR-EV-ER. I’ve never been at a JIB where I was in and out in under 5 minutes. That does wonders for the paranoia.

“They know we’re high and are calling the cops”

Ma, you sure can hydrate a pizza.

Brewers And Reds Engage In Skyline Beef During Home Plate Conversation

Luke being a super cynical old man makes perfect sense to me, so much so that I seriously don’t understand those who are upset that Luke isn’t the idealist of the original trilogy. Yes, he was super idealistic...when he was young, but age and experience and seeing what happened with his nephew have chipped away at him

Albanian “persecuted minority” in Kosovo has been involved in systematic killings of Serbian civilians and many other atrocities, including organ theft - extracting kidneys, livers and other organs from Serbian prisoners, in many cases while they were still alive, and then selling them on the black market.

So, you’re implying that transgenerational racial animosities, involving the horrors of ethnic cleansing and genocide, might lead to emotional reactions that some people perceive as less than sportsmanlike behavior on the field?

The thing I hate most about the World Cup is American writers writing for American publications pluralizing country names (e.g. “France have all the talent”) because that happens to be how they do it in the UK or whatever. Nobody wrote “GERMANY INVADE POLAND” in 1939, because it sounds fucking stupid.

I appreciated how Bourdain evolved from the cheeky American asshole in Cook’s Tour to the more respectful “I want to be everyone’s friend” in No Reservations to the “food is just how I talk about the bigger stuff” guy in Parts Unknown. He cut down on the wisecracking (somewhat) and turned into someone who was

What he did 17 years ago doesn’t give him carte blanche to do what he’s doing today.

As NYC mayor, during the worst terrorist attack on US soil, he hid in his secure bunker while real American heroes gave their lives rescuing the victims. Then, while cleanup crews were exposed to cancer causing toxins at Ground Zero, Rudy wrote a book on all this “Leadership” and toured the country giving 20 minute

Now, if only the NFL could bring back the on-field ambulance...

Strong candidate for worst overall facial hair in the candid crowd shot.

I haven’t seen the movie, but the premise is backwards. It’s basically saying that the issue is a lack of self-confidence, and that women are holding themselves back. “If you simply act pretty and confident, that bartender will see you! You’ll get that promotion!” This doesn’t actually address the issue of our culture