
Another explanation - they knew exactly what they were doing, and can easily fall back on plausible deniability while enjoying the social media buzz.

It would be awesome if Disney were to host a pediatric sex change clinic on park property just to stick it to DeSantis. That’s what I would do if I were the CEO of Disney. Also the warm weather and cheerful amusement park atmosphere would help the children recover from their surgeries.  Everybody wins, except bigots.

Denis, buddy, 2049 was a better film than the original. By a country mile. You did good, man.

BR 2049 is both a sci-fi classic AND superior to the original imo, box office be damned. Lay your burden down, Villeneuve.

What, you weren’t in the mood? Mood’s a thing for cattle and loveplay, not Twin Peaks Day!

In theory, that new wrap sounds good. But in practice, I imagine its gonna follow the recent fast food wrap trend (really any food item) of it being being jokingly small and priced 2 dollars higher than what it should be

I’d say the most controversial change is stuffing the game with microtransactions and live service bullshit in an effort to create a perpetual money machine for sex criminal executives.

Happiest cities in America...if you have the money.

Mike Pence claims that at an Iowa school, students need parental permission to get an Aspirin but the school nurse gives out gender transition plans without telling anyone.

MI 2 is trash, MI3 is sort of like a rough draft of where the Missions Impossible movies would go after when better writers and directors got a hold of it. 

I live within walking distance of several Mission Impossible 2 filming locations. I love many John Woo films (The Killer, Hardboiled, Face/Off). We had a great party back in 1994 at the island the finale would be filmed at. Which is why it pains me to say MI2 was easily the worst of the bunch. MI3 is so forgettable

Use the leftover Boursin to stuff a couple of olives and then make yourself a dirty Martini.

Later, a review of Depape’s social media activities by CNN revealed a history of posts spreading lies about the outcome of the 2020 election, transphobic posts, videos spreading right-wing conspiracy theories from the far-right MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, attacks on the Congressional Jan. 6 Committee, and racist

How was the Impossible version? Did it come with bacon?

Jesus take the wheel? Asking for a friend. The saddest part is that they (?) are still fucking brazen enough to be “tampering with witness testimony.” RIGHT now...Sorry lunatic loser and his Minions. (See the movie) Someone needs to see a jail, I have never heard of such shit as today. They/he directly encouraged and

I saw it. She and her mother were simply doing their jobs. Then Trump and his followers made their lives a living hell.

No one gives a flying fuck what you think.  

Damn, I clicked as fast as possible and still missed my chance for this joke.