A “blatant rip off” assumes that a manufacturer of a good has stolen the design or is unapologetically copying it. That’s not the case here.
A “blatant rip off” assumes that a manufacturer of a good has stolen the design or is unapologetically copying it. That’s not the case here.
Long out of production.
Nobody is going to set out to buy a Wrangler and accidentally buy a Roxor.
Yes. He should be in the public domain.
Uuuuh, there ARE replica 57 Chevy bel airs. https://www.brandnewmusclecar.com/bel-air.html there have been for years. Let alone replica cobras, countless Ford's, now Mustang and Camaro bodies.
You don’t understand intellectual property.
Her Spider-Man comparison seems to imply she thinks people didn’t want the reboot because it’s a female cast, but I was wondering if it’s more that women just aren’t all that attached to the property for aforementioned reasons.
What? Incel? The movie kept verbally hitting you over the head (from trailers and TV ads I’ve seen) about how these were were independent, but still loved shopping and don’t need men! It’s so on the nose. If you’re making an action movie, make it about being action heroes who kick ass, and have fun doing it. Show,…
“You don’t like a movie’s shallow brand of feminism, therefore you are an incel.”
Given that the guy liked Atomic Blonde it sounds like you’re just labeling anybody who disagrees with you as an “incel”.
Oh so now we’re all going to pretend that Charlies Angels: Full Throttle is a good movie? Kinda like we did with Ghostbusters 2016 right? Good luck with that!
Comparatively, Atomic Blonde made $100 million at the Box Office.
The trailers made it seem like it was forcibly “for women” rather than being a good movie with women in it. It looked bad in every respect—awful music choices, unfunny retorts, bad action, unclear plot. In contrast, take Atomic Blonde, which has a kick-ass female protagonist that didn’t need to constantly remind us of…
Right. What’s the addie to send the disrespectful ones, to?
Um. Asking for a friend...
You could tell management to just look at all of the comment sections.
Just so TPTB know the impact of their stupidity, I used to have my ad blocker turned off for Jalopnik and its sister sites. I don’t anymore. Shields are at maximum.
So everybody in Editorial is mad about this too. Besides the fact that it looks terrible, we have to actually work in Kinja all day long.
Talk about nailing the uncomfortable history of Disney in one go. Brilliant.