
Screw trying to weld to that swiss cheese, get yourself some square stock and start from scratch, it’ll be easier.

This title is dangerously close to clickbait. It makes Seinfeld out like he’s a jerk and trying to screw people. As stated in the article after the click, Jerry didn’t do anything wrong. Jerry is just asking the folks crying that they prove it isn’t what it’s supposed to be. 

FICA FRIO? probably an investment firm that used somebody else’s money to I vest in “assets” realized that paid too much for the car, or that the market is going down.

This comment is not getting the recognition it deserves. Wish I had more stars to give

It’s official: Russia has won the Spacer Race.

“I’d love to know how far he could get before something fails catastrophically.”

And with the same long lasting appeal in the market.

...except the episode the reviewer loved most of all this season is the one that LEAST makes fun of the right, and mostly pokes fun at the (mostly imaginary) conflict between pot-smokers and vapers, both which are pretty liberally identified groups. Which means your argument is likely just trolling self-victimizing non

It was such a waste of material. The tree climbing stuff was amazing, as was the hatchet and the combat and the whole look of it. But they should have embraced the setting.

In our early drafts of Thor, Balder was one of the gang (Ken liked the idea of there being 7 warriors on the expedition) and there was a 15 page section in the first act that took place in Niflheim, featured Karnilla prominently and gave Balder stuff to do.

Even if it was a joke, what is rule number 1 in car culture?

The ship is chartered, so I’d imagine they would just charter another if they needed it.

There’s actually a dozen or more other factors to consider, not least of which are average actual costs, delivery due dates, the option to go force majeure...all I’m saying is the cash price of the cargo has risen in value over the past month or so by a large amount and JPM Asset Management has probably done some math

Facts can be so inconvenient to bloggers when it doesn’t back what they want the story to say..

So far the choice to drift has been profitable if their costs to-date to do so amount to $400,000 as claimed above. The 70,000 tonnes works out to about 514 soybean contracts at the CME. The price for soybeans over the past month (roughly and conservatively) have gone from about $8.40 per bushel to over $9.00. On a

An angry email from the Newport Convertible Company has all the sting and veracity of a complaint from the morris marina owners club. You’re doing the right thing by warning us about this monstrosity.

To answer both of your point and your question, look at this.

Goodyear’s negligence has killed people, and Jalopnik should report on every single aspect of this until they’re properly held to account for their actions.

I can’t image buying anything from them. 

Fuck Goodyear.