
Did you buy it used? Had it been sitting for a long time? Why year was it?

Word. My stock ‘08 JK has been through a good chunk of the trails in Moab with only a change in tires, beefy steel rock sliders, and no lift. Dude’s got no game.

Either you are lying or you are the world’s shittiest driver.

I know from owning one that this statement reflects badly on your abilities, not the Wrangler.

This is $50K:

Other guy seemed to miss the point of your question, so I’ll answer it:

So, in a nutshell

Cosmetic-only lootboxes are still lootboxes.

Um, it’s going to be build in Detroit.

They don’t really rust though. They just die from mechanical and electrical failures.

How does all of this play into dry weight v.s. curb weight etc?

Shouldn’t this also be filed to: “Meta”? It’s missing a tip o’ the cap to yourself, via a comment from Raph.

I’ve just decided that anybody advocating for “small government” and “military spending” at the same time are just logically deficient.

“Our own people die every day abroad, fighting to protect our freedom,”

“Our own people die every day abroad, fighting to protect our freedom”

You have fear issues you may want to address. Selling your freedom because of fear is the wrong road to go down.

Does it have to be anti- Trump blah blah blah?

The twin-five spoke design isn’t exactly revolutionary