
Also odd that they decided to move to the Unlimited for the JK. Seems like sticking with the 2-door would have made for a more apples-to-apples comparison.

Hmmm... I don’t know, that Cell costume still needs some work to be perfect.

Sounds like a new ad campaign for the entire Hell Cat line.

The first thing the reporter said got me going.

This is a totally valid point. He really could just park the thing on his lawn. I think the HOA would still give him shit, but he’d be in a stronger position to defend himself. Perhaps literally.

I live in a very nice suburb of Boston. We don’t have an HOA. And no one does anything that bothers me.

That’s what happens when someone forgets to lock the dieselgate.

I was going for “you wrote the whole freaking synopsis, you added your own touch, you used MS Paint to cobble up a Jalopnik-ified composite graphic with labels, all with the premise of providing us with a Friday-Funday Automotive Unsolved Mystery.. and left us hanging high and dry with photos lacking decent

I would just like to say that those “alt-right protesters” were protesting the removal of a historical statue. You make it sound like they were being incredibly racist, but all they were doing was arguing against the removal of a statue. I am not trying to defend the fucking cunt who drove his car into the

The Past of the Furious*

“Then you’ve got Caymans and whatnot where the engine is forward of the front axles but behind the driver”

@jumpmanx2424: "I just ignore cops coming in the other direction, because how can they judge a persons speed?? "