Jeebuz Crust

The Titan is far superior to the F150 in almost every way. I drive my 2017 Titan more than my 2021 Silverado. F150s are a joke... shortest test drives I've ever taken.

If you're in a city, bait the NPC to getting into a shootout with the law.  You can literally bait just about anyone into it... comes in handy in St Denis, since it's packed and everyone has an attitude problem.

Pretty easy, situations are completely different. The Steelers are in a constant battle to stay under the salary cap while the Pirates are consistently in the bottom of MLB payroll.

And...  the fact that this was published is actually amazing.  What a long winded waste of time.

Sure, it would have been infinitely smarter to just hand him $50 million and hope he actually shows up, doesn’t get suspended and actually plays a full season. I will enjoy watching him get smoked when some bum team signs that stupid contract and he prances around in the backfield with a crap offensive line. His

Decent people tend to care less when accusations like that are cast after the person being assaulted led police on a high speed pursuit, pulled a loaded, stolen handgun on an officer, and then got control of a taser while resisting arrest and shocked an officer.

Im sure that a guy that just broke into a home and 5 cars, with sirens blaring a red/blue lights flashing in front of his house knew damn well they were police. Stop making excuses for criminals that put themselves in these situations. Not only did he run, but the video shows that he clearly was approaching the cops

So, tourism makes up 10% of the economy of Florida... and they found a great way to advertise. You can’t tell me that loyalty to a middle of the pack professional hockey team is more important than the biggest source of income to the state. Florida is like 40% implants from the rest of the country anyway... who cares.

Yes, but how much money would you like to invest into killing a pickup truck with 3 guys and a few small arms?

We fight some guys with small arms in the desert with no proper air defense and no opposing air force. It is a miraculous weapon in those circumstances... we just choose to drop JDAMS on the heads of a couple people at a time, all while spending a million in fuel and maintenance on the jet dropping it. All just a

The issue is, we’re using JDAMS to kill 1 or 2 people in it’s place. So... A10 is far less overkill than our other options, and infinitely cheaper.

Unless it comes down to dwindling natural resources, the big 3 aren’t going to war. Preparing for that war is like preparing for a meteor the size of the moon hitting our planet... pucker up and kiss your ass goodbye. Try developing or maintaining programs we can actually use or need at the moment.

While you are correct... he didn’t really merit a reply. The cost of a true high quality plastic alone is staggering compared to the cost of steel. Take power tools... very rarely, even in the highest quality tools, will they use a high quality plastic with glass bead reinforcement. Even with that plastic, the impact

Agreed. Defense contractors spend a fortune in bidding wars designing projects that may never even see the light of day. I can’t imagine the money that some of the bigger contractors have put into projects that never got a green light.

lmao, no, but it was well worth the effort.

Bwahahah, at least give it a little credit... it is infinitely more likely to be done than the Browns getting to the Super Bowl.

The US has buying power. Regardless of the debt, our consumption puts us at the top of the economic food chain. We can carry that debt without as much worry as other countries.

This is the type of scenario I worry about the most. Prepare the fleet, send them to Tokyo ASAP. We must be ready.

Sounds like you’ve already built a house on my man’s nutsack. Who cares what he does... you aren’t modding anything here, so if it stays, it stays. If Tyler wants your help, he’ll ask for it. He handled the situation like an adult, and then you had to throw in some BS after it was over.

Yes, mastering sitting in one spot in the ocean with a landing pad is just as much of a feat as sending a rocket into OUTER SPACE and landing it on a dime after re-entering the atmosphere. Get wrecked.