I didn’t die. They did. Who’s stupid? Darwin always wins in the end, and eventually everything will come full circle and weak minded, useless individuals that defend criminals will have zero influence on the decisions.
I didn’t die. They did. Who’s stupid? Darwin always wins in the end, and eventually everything will come full circle and weak minded, useless individuals that defend criminals will have zero influence on the decisions.
I would hope so man. I checked out the place prior to you being there... and really wasn’t impressed. I guess they needed you to bring a little class to the joint.
That’s why we still need the A10! /sarcasm
No doubt. This is literally the only blog that I’ve ever followed. I checked out TheDrive, and while I’ll still check it out once the switch is made, it was far from impressive. Hopefully the topics will remain the same, because they have nothing but shit right now.
I just find it odd that you have someone dedicate their entire life to serving their country... and you have them opening doors for people. Maybe it is an honor, and I just don’t get it. I’m not going to pretend I do. In a non-military role I would find it disrespectful to that person... but what do I know.
It’s weird... not sure how I feel about it. It’s one thing to have traditions, but this just seems a bit over the top. I’ve never been enlisted, and my family and friends that are seemed split over it as well. It’s almost a “hey fuck you, but we’ll do it because we have to” kind of thing.
Hulk Hogan gave him the leg drop bud.
I’m sure the reason has nothing to do with this being a burner account created not that long ago. I see that assumption train just keeps rolling... there’s nothing like being wrong every single time you respond is there? I mean, I don’t know how you do it.
You assume way too much. I won’t be voting for either of the 4. I’m basically throwing my vote away by making the choice I am, but I cannot justify supporting any of the absolute scum that will eventually take office.
The point is that you are going to see extremely few, if any, big name titles released for PC only for the rest of the existence of consoles. Sure, you can have the same, boring, tired ass discussion that we’ve been having for 10 years, but at this point... either go back and play the classics, or let it go. It’s like…
Yeah, except the fact that this article makes it sound like a terrible game. It’s not... and nobody I know, including myself, expected it to be as good as it is. Potential to be the best modern arena shooter by a mile if minor adjustments are made. There is great reason to believe that this will be better... because…
Sounds like grandpa didn’t take his pill today. How about this... stop whining, and play both. You can enjoy both without any issue. Game companies don’t put out products to make people happy, it’s to make money. If “dumbing it down” makes them $10 million more, it’s going to happen. I enjoy both... so stop crying and…
You should come up with a safe word so I know when I get too rough with you :)
That’s the best you have? “Oh, I bet you vote for Trump. Oh, Fox News. GOP blahblah”.
So, here are the facts as presented, verified by multiple accounts.
The fact that they were willing to risk their lives, the lives of everyone on the road around them, the lives of the people on the military base, and the police involved... that says all you need to know. They have no respect for innocent human life.
I say we kill the shit out of more people as well. You kill someone, we’ll kill you. You put other people in danger and die... oh well. Am I supposed to feel bad for either of them? No... especially when they hit a $100 million machine due to pure unadulterated stupidity.
Sure, sit on your ass and do nothing... and terrorism will just go away. This guy... lol
Wait... so I’m not the only person that sat through this bullshit movie wondering how in the hell this little bitch even made the practice squad?
Yeah, no. Try again.