
PBA free. The balls are also produced locally by minority female owned businesses employing veterans . And glass? Good luck with your morning gargle.

Carbon ceramic front breaks? What is this, Craigslist?

I’m very secure in my masculinity, brah. In fact I manscaped the pubes this morning to give it the appearance of another inch or so. Carry on

It’s a collection of doodads and gadgets, devoid of any soul. It’s only saving grace is the fact it has shit tons of torque. It’s a giant rc car for dentists and soccer moms. It doesn’t come in manual. They reek of self importance. They are stupid faces. I poo on them

Just did mine and it sounds like they are going to send me a replacement before I need to return mine. So, depending on your risk tolerance, you can keep using the current tablet until the new one arrives.

I would have been rear ended a couple years ago. Coming to a halt down a steep grade on an interstate a utility van made use of the left emergency lane, ended up stopping right next to me.

Or the driverless car should be able to just shoot an impulse signal and shock the damn cell phone out of the persons hand behind them.

Yep, I’ve avoided crashes by driving where I wasn’t supposed to. The most memorable was about a month after I got my license. I went 2 wheels off onto a soft gravel shoulder when I came around a blind corner to find someone going the opposite direction had decided it was the perfect place to pass. Gave him my lane to

I grew up across the road from Miramar in the 80s. All the neighborhood kids would come over to my house and we’d climb on the roof to watch the practices and shows. One of my best memories is during a practice around 1984. We had #5 fly over our house at what felt like 20-feet(probably more like 100-feet) off the

Don't you love how people who refuse to drive close to the speed limit hog the left lane or slow everyone down in a no passing zone but as soon as you go to pass them they turn into speed racer? I've never illegally passed in a no passing zone but I pass people on the right pretty often and you'd be amazed at how

Back in college, a friend of mine had that happen to him and his girlfriend. He handled it hilariously, but very, VERY immaturely:

I got brake checked by a guy who cut me off in the left lane doing 10mph under. He could have stayed in the right lane, where he was free to go slow. Apparently I didn’t slam my brakes hard enough after he cut me off.

This happened to me yesterday. Driving the 2002, which had maybe 100hp to begin with, and closer to 60 now. Guy is doing no more than 30 in a 45-zone in the left lane. I pass him on the right, paying it no mind, and get back in the left lane to pass more cars on the right, cruising along around 45-50. About 10 seconds

you just made my neg post pozz.

That car is why I bought this car :)

Oh hai there jeebus from td.f and bf.c.

Cool stuff. I’d love to see them integrate this into Maps for a “Quick Drive” view of my route based off the street view cameras.

It seemed to work remarkably well right up until it didn’t. It turns out having your fuel stored in a meltable container in a location where it is prone to melt is a bad idea. Now they know.

Why not represent all countries in white, to make it even more unclear?

A friend of mine sent me text this morning while he’s flying back from a conference. He crop dusted the front of the plane so bad a passenger asked if there was something wrong with the plane. That’s what that smell is. My buddy’s ass.