
Pixar, 1995:

I’m officially jealous. Thanks

I ran a VW diesel shop for 5 years. About 30% of my work was on gassers. The diesels always had more problems and were more expensive to fix. The emissions systems on the diesels are so complex and the parts so expensive it’s not worth buying one unless you need a work truck for towing.

You are not factoring in repairs, the diesel is a roughly 50% more expensive in parts and maintenance.

Oregon’s statewide speed limit of 65...which only exists on limited access freeways. rural highways are 55. Fifty. fucking. five. It’s mind numbing to drive here.

Woah $500 for a supercharger and a nice exhaust?? Where is this? Sign me up!

Cars can get deeply rooted in the household, so a DCT-equipped “main” car could stay around for a while. Hm...

Hmmm... I haven’t noticed that in mine, but I could have just gotten used to it.

I nominate my car. E32 735i, North American model, with the factory 5-speed. It’s so good I cried when I bought it. It’s stately, it’s large, the looks evoke refinement and power, the ride is magical and the M30 produces soooo much freaking torque. Like pop it into 4th and never shift again amounts of torque. My car

I had an issue with Bank of America where my current signature didn’t look just like the one I signed on my signature card 15 years ago when I was a freshman in college. I had three forms of ID and they still acted like I wasn’t me. They eventually called over the branch manager who thought I had sufficient

Well put. Also keep in mind the F80/82 DCT adds about 70lbs of weight. When you’re getting the CF roof to save 40, the added 70 feels like that washes out. I own a manual M4 and love the heck out of it.

As an attorney, I can tell you cashier check fraud is a huge problem in the banking industry, and I know no one really wants to carry around large sums of cash. One solution when you purchase a car like this is to use an Electronic Funds Transfer. This requires extra effort on the parties, going to the buyer’s bank,

so many people have attacked you for this, which I find hilarious because a) you are right, they seem to think they’re saving the world one infringement notice at a time and b) it’s really ironic to see hundreds babble on about America and freedom and constitution and all that rubbish, only to support some life

More like DERPA Robot Challenge, amirite?

Jeebus, you have summed up my experience with trying to find a second hand Porsche - great exteriors, but a cheap and disappointing interior I just cannot get over.

Wow you seem like a douchebag, immediately going to snarky asshole. To be fair to the guy it’s kind of absurd that some states require it and some don’t and that kind of points to front plates not being necessary if many states do not require them.

Because many cops are juvenile and hateful.

Seriously? Because the look like shit. Everybody knows that. God, some people on here are really dumb.

Cops=Revenue Generators, not Heroes.

Maybe so, but as a Hispanic male that has been treated differently by upstanding police officers compared to my white colleagues I am not going to lose any sleep over it. Do you get a pat down during routine traffic stops?