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    @jepzilla: I'm not going to go from op/ed journalism at ZDnet and Huffpo, but it seems you are roughly right based on other sources.

    @Devryn: "Is this embarrassing? Yes. Is it awkward? Yes. Consequences for U.S. foreign policy? I think fairly modest." -Defense Secretary Robert Gates

    @Dreamwriter: Who is being killed due to these leaks?

    @Withidread: The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian, and other papers posess the cables as well.

    @dumanyo: Ok, but did he leak where our ships are? In fact, what did Wikileaks release that is immediately damaging to US Military capability/response/readiness?

    @brainfreeze43: If we had 100% transparency a few years ago, maybe our military wouldn't be engaged based on lies.

    @thetickler: I'd screen like Israel. And it would be less invasive and more efficient....like it is in Israel.

    @bdinger: It made Larry King.

    @minifée: Spot on. Ambassador Doer even wrote a letter scolding Angle on this common misconception, and containing some gems hinting at their relations with Nevada:


    @stryker1800: That's entirely the point I was getting at.

    @lucasway89: It's art to me. So I guess you are wrong.

    Get one. I promise you won't regret it.

    @trs: Android is also at 200,000 activations per day. Do the math, they are catching up FAST.

    @ignacio reyes: I disagree with almost everything you said, but again—the open and free aspect of Android is what attracted me to it, ultimately resulting in me giving up my iPhone for what I believe to be a far superior product.

    @snitch: I'm not saying Motorola is any more reliable a source than Apple, but take that video with a grain of salt.

    @tande04: Makes sense. Thanks!