
Your husband was prior service. I also stated that, “While yes, many were probably prior active duty and switched, a lot of them have little experience, let alone combat experience.” The ones that have not had active duty experience and only know the guard are way less experienced. And yes, guardsman are no where near

Yes, NG deploy many times. No doubt about that, but NG no where even close trains or even has the time to do as much training as active duty does. 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks during the summer is the baseline training/drill for national guards. In prep for a deployment they may go to NTC or JRTC. Still, no where

I’m kind of rude? Just take a look a bit down-thread if you want to see what rude looks like. At no point did I call into question Germain’s skill, style, or call for someone else to write the recaps. His style just doesn’t speak to me where Cool_Breeze’s does.

I generally just skim Germain’s recaps and start looking for yours as soon as I hit the comments. Good job.

It had to be Travis to complete his character arc. They’ve been building to a moment like this all season.

Bravo! endless evidence of lazy reviewing here. Clearly Travis is not the ‘mayor’ and the soldier is taking a cheap shot (I laughed). And Alicia cutting? That tattoo has been coming all season long!

Re: #4, I wasn’t a Madison fan in the first episode, but the moment she killed zombie-principal completely flipped me in her favor. Travis seems like a man of action, but for all his take-charge demeanor, his instincts have been terrible. And that’s one of the many human dangers in a survival situation: some people

Thanks for doing for FREE what the OP get paid to do. Great recap!

I’m just floored over how excellent your review is. I agree with the others, you should start writing Fear reviews.

Reads like what a 14 year old would write. ‘Too much talking! Not enough action!’ Pleasse go back to banging your fists on your X-Box, killing zombies there. This show Germain, isn’t for you.

I hate to say it, but Mr. Lussier prooobably hates you right now. Make sure your door is locked and stay away from the windows.

Thank you! You so thoroughly articulated what my heat-addled brain has been trying to formulate as a response to this review of Fear the Walking Dead. Seriously, they should hire you to write the recaps.

I made some kind of kinja profile whatever-the-hell just so I could comment. Like, I never go out of my way to that, and you recap was better than the actual sites recap... I’m tuning into next weeks recap.

Not kidding, you should try to find someone at IO9 who could connect you to the powers that be. YOU are the one who should be writing the FTWD recaps. IO9 wants a recap, because the show’s pulling in amazing numbers, and based on this & your TWD comments, you’re without a doubt the best at the job. The staff tends to

It’s very telling when your recap comment has over 20x the amount of stars than the original write up. Well played, good sir.

  • Accidentally killed his dealer when he was struggling to take the gun from him because the dealer was about to kill the junkie.

Right? The military (especially when you take into account the Guard units who are less tied-in and more “local”) is in a prime position to set up as an area warlord, due to their existing infrastructure and training. Which could either be very good, or very bad, depending on their local command take... and I can see

These are, by far, the worst recaps ever on this site.

I like the part of this you call “frustrating”. We sit here with the perspective of “I’ve watched many zombie movies! Don’t trust the military!” and call Travis dumb for taking so long to figure out that something’s up, but the reality is that it would take most of us awhile to come to terms with the idea that

So my take is that you are not the right person to review this show.