
This guy really doesn’t get the show at all. I thought that this was the weakest episode yet. I was enjoying the build up every week.

Great insight. We only get the perspective of these characters.

I get that you are probably wearing a uniform of some sort. I did too, and that was my biggest problem with 28 days later. I hate making the military out to be the bad guys. In this instance, I get more that it is the government being evil which I have no problem with. The NG are just doing what they are told because

Exactly. I think the writers are trying to show these liberal type Californians that are anti-gun and anti violence devolve into real people. By season 2 they will be marksmen following Junkie Depp. What a turn around.

Your recap was a million times better than the original post. I don’t understand the people who have no attention span or appreciation for what they are trying to do. We all know what the ending is, the fun is in the journey there. I think they have done an incredible job. It is almost like someone bet someone that

Your recap was a million times better than the original post. I don’t understand the people who have no attention span or appreciation for what they are trying to do. We all know what the ending is, the fun is in the journey there. I think they have done an incredible job. It is almost like someone bet someone that