Anyone buying organic should consider this a really good sign of what they’re buying
Anyone buying organic should consider this a really good sign of what they’re buying
biggest surprise to me in the entire article is that such a simple exploit in a game that’s been out 5+ years now hasn’t had a major public breach
I consider it telling that there’s been no counter to the anthem that it’s a violation of the first and/or third commandments
meh, go ahead and peek, anyone who flips out about it is way to into their car
maybe he was told there was white water in the area and went looking for it
Michigan only lost by one point this time, I bet the next time Harbaugh tries he can pull off the tie
The only theory I have as to the popularity of this show is that when Adam Sandler sold his soul to be allowed to continue to make movies he snuck in a clause to keep Kevin James employed
reminded me of
quite the aquatic weekend of football
It’s not completely Schiano’s fault, he couldn’t really see over the dashboard
in our case several guilds on our server decided to try out WoW when the CU hit and formed a guild that’s still extant ( I stopped playing WoW shortly before WoD hit(the history of the guild’s name is a story in itself, I should write it up and submit it at some point, I’ll need to ask the old GM for some info on the…
The best thing about SWG for me was the people I met in-game, nearly 15 years later I’m still friends with some of them.
does this mean that next expansion we’ll be seeing a Thrall/Jaina affair?
I can’t imagine anything more boring then having my friends and family watch a stream of me farming pets and mounts...which was pretty much my WOW career post WotLK
Reagan getting shot, I remember thinking it didn’t look anything like the “real” shootings on TV
so do we call him Regan now?
I predict Nebraska will atone for this next week against Rutgers by having a last second field goal that’d let them take the lead and win get blocked and run back for a touchdown
a focus on Varian? I’m rooting for the legion now.