After dealing with several attempted JS exploits served by bad ads on respected sites, I’m going to continue to use adblock until the web gets its collective act together and figures out a non-idiotic way to monetize their content
After dealing with several attempted JS exploits served by bad ads on respected sites, I’m going to continue to use adblock until the web gets its collective act together and figures out a non-idiotic way to monetize their content
Unlike the Michigan State radio people, at least these guys were competent enough to remain understandable.
they’d hate how I game, I can’t afford the newest and best hardware, I’m lucky to even hit 30 fps in a lot of games.
the remember to pick up eyedrops and deodorant at the store play
It'll cross the "yet" line when CGI that looks good on a movie screen ceases to look cartoon-like on a tv screen
Let's see if I can translate - Bill said a lot of words that I didn't understand, so I started thinking about monkeys. Monkeys are funny, some people think humans are related to monkeys. I don't think I'm related to a monkey, how would that work? Oh crap, I need to say something about this and sound smart, creation…
Any plans to bring the kotaku podcast back at some point?
only 628 hours, I have almost that amount of time just invested in Terraria
Star Wars Galaxies was my MMO home at the time. When the CU patch hit a bunch of guilds on Tempest server decided to jump ship. They decided to give WoW a try, a server was picked, we jumped over, and 9.5-ish years later, some of us are still there.