
I am in Virginia also and there is no mileage limit here in this state. I currently have 2 cars with Antique plates in my garage. The statue says that the vehicle is not to be used for transportation to and from work or general use. It may be used to go to and from shows, repair shops, vehicle testing, car club

Only 80? That’s hardly an “exhibition”.

A fwd LMP car.

Frustrates me how “sure” that the arresting officer was that he caught the “right guy”

I wish I lived somewhere where a “40 minute drive” was deemed as “super far away to get to a thing” instead of “just maybe getting to Home Depot and Giant Eagle”

Gawker empire, bruh.

No, no, NO, NO, NOOO!! Kind of defeats the whole point. Also, no mention of the fact that it is pretty safe? If craigslist murders were common, it wouldn’t be a major news story when it happens.

No self defense Concealed Weapons? I am disappointed.

I’ve never driven a car with no suspension and a penchant for snap oversteer, but this bad boy right here corners like it’s on rails!

My favorite part is that “Abominable Snowmen” is on the NOT considered list, but “Abdominal Snowmen” is on the ACTUALLY CONSIDERED list with the reasoning of: “Because fuck it why not, it’s basically the north pole there.”

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

le grille!

That looks like a 1k hitch, honestly.

Where are you finding this information? Everything I’ve found says that it is not recommended to tow anything in the S-Class. So good luck getting anything beyond a class 1 hitch installed on it.

What these rankings don’t tell you is that Lions fans only use the words “send,” “water,” “food,” “police,” and “help.”

It’s funny that you bring this up. As of Sunday, I’ve been forced to reconsider my options for a new light-duty tow vehicle. A used Navigator has been on my radar since then.

Yes, because the S550 is so fuel efficient.

I knew it. We did it on my friend’s boxster. Same look. Sounds amazing.

That is fantastic. Kudos, sir.

You Don’t Have To Be Speeding To Be Found Guilty Of Drag Racing