
They’d also sell none of them because you wouldn’t buy them new.

Not that it’s a massive issue currently, but it kind of bugs me when more political-oriented things from Gawker are cross-posted onto Jalopnik. It’s still one of my favorite site ever and I’ve just noticed it a few times recently but some of them don’t really seem relevant to cars/machines/transportation at all.

The perpetrator...

Yeah that’s the only thing i’m seeing also, completely different doors, materials, dash, waterfall console.......but he is right, they are both car interiors.

Soon to be the same thing.

Agreed. This is #1.

Taken as a whole? Has to be the Porsche 911 in all its incarnations. Think how long the 911 name has been around, and how many have been raced - and raced successfully - over that span.

Just think of it as a Japanese Audi

I’m also waiting for Deadspin to condemn the actions of my next door neighbor, who is clearly an a-hole. It saddens me that Deadspin’s silence could be interpreted as condoning this boor’s behavior.

Making bombs is bad.

“2) he calls his wheels rims”

I didn’t know Harbor Freight sold rims that size.

yea i’m pretty sure Andrew Harrison uses words like “jest” and “perceived” on a regular basis. Good apology UK spokesperson.

My biggest thing is say a business who bakes wedding cakes refuses to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple's marriage. Why would anyone, including gay rights groups, want to force that bakery to bake the cake? Why can't a private business owner refuse business to anyone for any reason, even if it is something dumb

Sounds like IMS just wants to make clear that they won't b affected by the new law, which is fine because IMS just wants business and doesn't want to make a scene. NASCAR, on the other hand, decided to become political about it and speak out against the law. IndyCar didn't actually speak against the law, which I

Dude, the EP3.

But see, this is the beauty of the free market and individual liberty. The pizza place owners have the freedom to do what they want, and market forces will combine to drive their business down into the ground. This is why the vast, vast majority of business owners who may have a religious objection to same-sex

Not exactly. Automatics went from 2 speeds like the Powerglide to 4 speed overdrive lockup converter 700R4s by 1986. Engines went from crude valve in block designs to the OHV pushrod smallblock V8 architecture still used today in the LSx engines.

This judge is taking Civil Asset Forfeiture to the next level.

I feel like we need a disclaimer that this isn't simply "automaker branded junk" but things produced by a factory that is owned or managed by the company. Like how mitsubishi motors is a branch of the mitsubishi company that also makes consumer electronics and airplanes. For my own suggestion, I'll go with Volvo's