
Firstly, thanks for the question. Nobody ever asks me this. I'm very fond of Detroit. This is where I first came to when I moved to the U.S.; I even got married here. The decision to move to New York has nothing to do with my personal preferences. Quite frankly, I'd be quite happy to stay in Detroit, myself.

Rolex 24 and the 500

You need to take a fucking breath and calm the fuck down. Read the whole post, asshole.

Does anyone else realize that she left her baby in the freaking car?

The 996 was not unreliable. It had a fixable design-defect.

Yay? I honestly don't get the big deal people make over stuff like this. I can see some are already complaining about it being politically correct, but "meh". As long as it never gets to the point where characters are identifying as star-gendered, pluto-kin, and an ethnicity they're not I'm fine with this. I can

  1. It's a race car. Eat a protein bar.

I see he did not get them memo about ending up on Jalopnik.

I don't see "sell car and buy $5000 S-class" anywhere on these charts.

You can go around the map on the highway and knock those yellow posts things. And don't you dare say you never did that.

"We shall come over."

The 25-year Import Ban is still in place, and stuff like this is still happening:

Dodge pulling out of sportscar racing. Goodbye GTE Viper.

The end of Viper & SRT in the TUDOR Series immediately following a GT Championship was a giant disappointment to me. Look at this. Just Look at it!

or Diesel?

The 2015 Mustang not actually losing the weight we all thought it would.

The new Miata is still not a wagon

Another word from Captain Obvious: